Reviews for OneGirl
Kitmaro chapter 47 . 8/24/2010
Read "Singer" then read this and I gotta say very interesting. Also original. No mistakes as I see it. Later
Guest chapter 47 . 8/24/2010
God, I hope that Jessie wouldn't Rachel by telling her that she can't break up with Derek because she pities him or she's too much of a coward to tell Derek that she's cheating on him for Rachel.
AnyMousse chapter 47 . 8/23/2010
Yay! We're finally back to Forever's a Long Time! Now we get to hear it! Well, I hope we do anyway.

This chapter was great; I loved Rachel's stupid grin; I loved when she said she could have spent the whole day cuddling with Jessie (aw) and I LOVED when Thomas squealed; that was great.

And of course, Forever's a Long Time. But I already mentioned that. :-)

Keep it up! Can't wait for the next update!
master of suspence chapter 46 . 8/21/2010
i'm so happy! i cant wait to read how jess brakes up with her bf bc her and rachel are so right for each other... woot!
Entire100 chapter 46 . 8/21/2010
Alright! I was finally able to read this update. Damn you Fictionpress for making me wait. And thanks for the chapter it was lovely. I'm a big fan of Rachel and Jessica.


Hali2010 chapter 46 . 8/21/2010
FINALLY! AWESOME chapter, finally after all this time it happens, the scene was super cute too. So, yea, GREAT job you get an A! lol
Tears of a Dreamer chapter 46 . 8/21/2010
Slightly chapter 46 . 8/21/2010
I am so unbeleivably happy right now :D they're finally having a "together" moment! *dies* awesome work!

xXIceCrystalAmethystXx chapter 46 . 8/21/2010
I agree completely with Jessie's "to hell with thinking"comment. :)
Fenrir K. Wolfe chapter 46 . 8/21/2010

first time reviewin'

anyways... WHO~! -throws hands up- finally! xD -does the happy dance-
AnyMousse chapter 46 . 8/21/2010
Wow. What a beautifully written chapter Tah. All of it; especially the ending.

Until the next update...
Sway chapter 46 . 8/21/2010
I know I'm not going to be the only one that does this but...

YES! -both fists shoot into the air- FINALLY! -earns weird look from brother-

I love it. The wait was totally worth it. I'm excited to see what'll happen next!

Oh and tugging on the lip piercing thing made me laugh. I've done that before but it was actually completely on purpose lol...Who wouldn't do it? The temptation is just to great not to!
Slightly chapter 45 . 8/20/2010
Oh goodness, finally!

that was the sweetest thing ive ever read. This story has already gone so far but it really feels like its just begun (in a good way)

Thank you for writing this!
The Middle chapter 44 . 8/20/2010
YAY! ehem, that was my constructive helpful review :)nice chapter, please keep 'em coming
CandiiLand chapter 45 . 8/19/2010
Umm... Do you understand just how happy you've made me...? Because I don't think I can even explain.
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