Reviews for OneGirl
flooj9235 chapter 44 . 8/13/2010
Awesome chapter! :D

Poor Jessie, that must suck.

And Derek is so oblivious.


I can't wait for the next chapter!
Ouep chapter 43 . 8/9/2010

You obviously need some help with the French translation, I'm sorry to say that your sentences are wrong.

"Vous êtes ma fille, aussi : You are my daughter, too" See, it is weird, isn't? I don't know if I should cry or laugh... I'm laughing actually, sorry.

"C'est bien : It's good" It isn't so bad but it doesn't make much sense in what Jessie is trying to say.

I'll translate those few sentences, feel free to use them or not.

"You're my girl, too." " Tu m'appartiens, aussi" which literally means "You are mine, too or you belong to me, too"

"That's alright" " Ne t'inquiète pas" which literally means " Don't worry about it" of course there is so many synonyms and varieties but this one can be intimate and casual. I can provide you with other examples if you want.

Anyway, I'm glad that Jessie spoke in French, I hope she will do it again Rachel will certainly not mind :p
Hali2010 chapter 43 . 8/8/2010
Great job on this chapter it was cute(especially the ending) i just hope something exciting happens soon.
throughmyheart chapter 43 . 8/7/2010
amazing! i was grinning like some maniac when i finished reading this chapter. AWESOME. :D
Candii chapter 43 . 8/7/2010
Rachel and Jessie need to get together! It's driving me nuts. And I wish Jessie would break up with her annoying boyfriend already.
AnyMousse chapter 43 . 8/7/2010
Okay, first off: major (and I'm talking MAJOR) squealing over what Jessie said in French and two, if there was any more sexual tension between them, I think they would explode. Or Rachel would anyways.

Nice job as always.

Until next time...
someone chapter 43 . 8/7/2010
you do know that hasta luego chica mia and stuff is spanish not french righ?
flooj9235 chapter 43 . 8/7/2010
Great job, as usual! :D I loved this chapter. Rachel and Jessie are so cute together.

In case you hadn't realize, there were a few typos.

One was when Rachel told Jessie she didn't know that Kyle had been in the picture that long, she said "I think you were only with Kyle a couple of months." I think that should be "thought".

And the other one was right after Rachel said hasta luego. "But, hell, she didn't speak French, so I wasn't too terribly concerned about it." French should be Spanish.


I can't wait for the next chapter; I'm pretty sure I'm completely addicted to this story!
DarkShadow2012 chapter 43 . 8/7/2010
Cant wait till the next chap. Aghh, Jessies falling for her...again. hmm i wonder what jessie thought bout that close encounter.
beaustiful chapter 43 . 8/7/2010
Uhm... in your author notes could you put the translations they're meant to mean in English please?
Debi Law chapter 43 . 8/7/2010
I don't speak french but I thought that was hot? :) Your writing is very exquisite. You decipher the character's feelings very well. I salute you.

*BOW* Hahaha. :))
AnyMousse chapter 42 . 7/31/2010
Aw. That chapter was really cute. I loved the part about Jessie saying the dreams had gone from physical to romantic. It shows that she's actually falling for Rachel again, not just being attracted to her physically. Now, if she could just admit it to herself. Until next time...
throughmyheart chapter 42 . 7/31/2010
you are an EXTRAORDINARY writer! update soon! ;D
gaia-x-goddess chapter 41 . 7/29/2010
N'aaw that's cute :') x
Debi Law chapter 41 . 7/26/2010
Just finished reading Singer and this. :) I really liked how it's going, even when they broke up..
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