Reviews for Of Mikki and Of Jonah
Storm Pegasus chapter 1 . 9/15/2021
ShioriTakahara chapter 123 . 3/27/2020
OMG! This was such a fantastic collection of one-shots. I mean seriously, being able to write 120 oneshots about the same couple while keeping it within the rating of K, that requires some talent. So, gear yourself, cuz' the review is gonna be just as humongous.
First off, Mikki and Jonah were really one of the cutest, most adorable couples I've ever seen. Their innocence so made me fall in love with them. Mikki's cheerful attitude and her energetic self always made me feel the same. And the way she used to ramble on and on connecting one topic to another were really one of her most interesting characteristics. And Jonah was such a sweetheart, always giving in to Mikki's wishes and planning all types of surprises for her. He is literally the epitome of perfection when it comes to boyfriends. There's so much more that I want to say about Mikki and Jonah, literally about each and every chapter, but I guess 123 chapters are way too much, so I'll have to skip out on most of it. But I gotta say, throughout the story, Mikki's love for ice-cream, adventure, rainbows and skittles, her hatred for mint chocolate chip; Jonah and Mikki's singing, Jonah's guitar, his nerdiness, him teasing Mikki about her height, his love for snowboarding and skiing, the aladdin play, the prom, the valentine's day, and most importantly, the hugs and kisses, really used to make my day.
And then there was Marco, the fat cat. I loved his/her love-hate relationship with Mikki. Their scenes together were just so cute. And there was Sage, Mikki and Jonah's moms, Baby X, Ronnie, Willie, Don and all the other characters who frequently occurred were a part of why I loved this story so so much.
This story really made me realise the number of places you could visit on a date. Anyways, overall I loved this story. Almost each and every one of those chapters had me smiling by the end of it. Even though you did make some grammatical and spelling errors at quite a few places, it was readable. Aside from that, it was an excellent story.
It would be great if you start writing again, it could be about Mikki and Jonah, or even something new. But that's upto you. If you do start writing again, I would love to read your works.
Once again, it was a lovely story.
Love IshaXD
Elle Winters 9 chapter 122 . 10/5/2016
Hey Kim,

Not sure if you even use FP anymore, but on the 2nd day of me being sick as a dog and not even being able to go out and borrow a book and being bored of surfing the net I chanced upon FP again. And came across this.

You've done amazingly. It's a lighthearted story about a young innocent love. And yes, there is little plot to it, but it presents itself as something completely refreshing as it just goes through random days in the life of Mikki and Jonah and nothing that is unbelievably extravagant (although Jonah is exceedingly awesome -can such a person exist?!). But as I was saying, it was nice to read as most authors don't have the ability to make what could be a number of mundane days into a series of one shots that have linkage and some sequence.

I read some of your author notes. Don't be so harsh on yourself or apologise for your writing. It was entertaining while it lasted, I couldn't stop after I read the first chapter. The only criticism is the spelling errors and lack of differentiation between your and you're - which honestly usually annoys me greatly, but this was such a feel good, cute story that I didn't even mind.

I hope that you're still out there writing and find enjoyment in it again. Thanks for the entertainment and the laughs which have brightened my day! At least I hope that if you see this you'll know that although you felt you struggled, someone out there appreciated the time, effort and energy you out into it! All the best! :)
Guest chapter 122 . 8/8/2016
Awww this is so CUTEEEEE 3
I will miss this couple, so sad there is not more Jokki (yeah that is what I call they)
This is my second time reading this story and I will be back for sure :'3
adahellou chapter 14 . 12/17/2014
I haven't been reading this very long, but so far it's been going great, so if it starts to go downhill between two of them, I will have to strangle someone. They are too sweet to be ruined. I'll be back.
misssmiley03 chapter 73 . 2/22/2014
wait... when Mikki said AK your ass was it meant as AK47 or Avada Kedavra ? just curios because i'm a huge potterhead and proud...:)
PuffyPanda101 chapter 121 . 7/6/2013
This is one of my favorite stories. It's cute and fluffy with bits of seriousness. It became something I looked forward to reading in my sparetime and it had me laughing at many parts. You've done a fantastic, wonderful, amazing, astounding! job with this story. Thank you for sharing it with me and everyone else who read.
Georgia chapter 123 . 1/9/2013
I hope you start writing again I saw on your tumblr that you said something about starting it again this year, I hope you do cos I LOVE THIS STORY!
Ex oh ex oh smiley face
DeadlyKitten2021 chapter 121 . 1/7/2013
Georgia chapter 58 . 12/26/2012
Pt 2
I wish I could take the place if people being killed in accidents. Yet my family would
Feel like that and I don't want anyone to go through the pain of losing someone you love.
Georgia chapter 58 . 12/26/2012
It's cruel se of the things we have to go through in life, yet if we don't have the experience we might not be as happy to be alive and healthy. Sometimes I wish I could
Take the
MEG0205 chapter 123 . 11/2/2012
I loved your story! Amazing!
Megan :)
Someone chapter 22 . 9/30/2012
it's sad that mikki and jonah is finished :( maybe you can do like just on more one-shot about them? please like to let us know what happened after she turned eighteenn? ugh i wish i had a jonah. actually this story reminded me of a real life couple i know. it was one day i was with my friends and i saw them and they just reminded me of Mikki and Jonah so much it was weird. the girl was also on the track team to! it was weird but sweet that love like that does actually exist :3
toffeecakesxox chapter 6 . 7/6/2012
"DOG PEE IN YOUR FACE!" i laughed so hard i cried. if it snowed here, i would totally wanna do that to my potential boyfriend. HE'D LOVE ME FOREVER.

but alas, i'm living my love life vicariously through these two. (:
toffeecakesxox chapter 5 . 7/6/2012
HOLY CRAP THEY ARE THE CUTEST THINGS IN THIS WORLD. LET ME DIE. at this rate, I'LL be the one dying of old, wrinkly Kiss Virgin-ness. :P
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