Reviews for The Reviewers & You
seagreen03 chapter 1 . 4/23/2010
so true

i really TRY to be a good reviewer but.. oh i dunno! its hard!

thnx this in an eye opener and i m gonna try to be a good 'constructive' one.
Lord Vivian Darling chapter 1 . 3/27/2010
Been some of them - not the 'Wapenese' one, (the OFFICIAL term for it!) or the 'Puppet'. The automatic 'Update!' cry of the Idolizer is more demand than praise, I TELLS you nothing. Accurate essay, m.
LittleLoser.AndRoloLamperouge chapter 1 . 1/4/2010
nyaa...I admit, I'm most of the time putting jap words on my reviews, coz...ah, I'm used to it. I always do it in FF . Net so, it's kinda my habit...

nice the pin pointing part.

about that the puppet part, can you please continue what you're saying ?

Cinnia Aine chapter 1 . 1/2/2010
Haha... This was funny, but a bit sad because it's true. Good reviewers are very difficult to find and the Idolizers are on the rampage. That's primarily why I like the concept of the Review Game, where you know what to expect from it: concrit. I always suspected that there were Puppets around... Some stories are just too bad for me to believe that anyone would really like it. Good job! You really nailed what fiction press reviewers consist of these days. (Oh, and just so that I don't look like a total Idolizer myself, here's a minor note: under the example for the Misplaced Grammar Professor, "lesson" should be "teach". I hope I just didn't make myself look like a MGP. o.0 I like how the style of this essay is simple and short because it fits the topic.)
Hitto chapter 1 . 1/2/2010
Me gustó tu ensayo, sin embargo "inserta las criticas aquí, a mi me da flojera"

Ok, te dejo el review en español porque me da flojera escribirlo en ingles. Te faltó las cheers, generalmente de algún fandom (sobretodo naruto y twilight), que te ponen el famoso conti pliz

o frases mezcladas con el japones que no se entiende y no tienes idea de como responderles cosas como: contii, me muero OMG! nonono como puedes naruto y sasuke so kawai ErEs La MeJoR eScRiTorA dEl MuNdO

jaja tiene la increible habilidad ees escribir alternando mayúsculas y minusculas, yo no puedo tadro más...

Y tambien el que no leyó la historia, solo el título y viene a hacer publicidad:

Me encantó tu hsitoria pasate a leer la mia, seguro te gusta, dejame coment ;)

jaja y luego te sientes comprometido, no lees su fic y ledejas un : me encanto! *0* sigue así...

y luego las que te dejan reviews en español cuando subiste la historia en ingles... a esas hay que extinguirlas...