Reviews for I Thought I Saw Something
gulistala chapter 7 . 5/15/2010
Wow, how does Nora know Jude? If Vince and Jude have divorced, is everything going to settle on its own ie custody etc. or does something still need to be done for the whole shebang to be complete?

Arabella really irritates. How narcicisstic can one get as to believe everyone would fall for her charm if she so desires? Grr. Let's just hope she doesn't figure out who Jude is and tattle on her.

Keep up the good work and I can't wait till the next chappie!
Wicked Neko chapter 6 . 5/10/2010
... Whoa. I really like this story. Jude seems very sweet and I like that she's a single mom running away. It adds to the awesomeness.

I've already read After Dinner and loled when Kyle mentioned Jack. xD I like that it's in the "same universe", ya know?

Umm... there were only a few mistakes in the story so far... but it's still really, really, REALLY good. )

Please continue updating. I enjoy reading your stories a lot (although I don't comment much).
merecedeslove chapter 6 . 5/7/2010
Yay! new chapter. Aww super cute. Then way he was nice to her about everthing. I really liked this chapter. )
Its.Not.Me.Its.You chapter 6 . 5/6/2010
love it!

its perfect!

i've missed the story!

have a great week!

more sson please!
Hazelnut Romance chapter 6 . 5/6/2010
go kyle! there's more people rooting for you in lumberjacking ) can't wait for another update.
merecedeslove chapter 5 . 4/17/2010
Aww what a crazy chapter. Yeah new chapter! I thought maybe you had forgotten.
Hazelnut Romance chapter 5 . 4/13/2010
aw. cute. cute. cute! can't wait for the other updates )
Its.Not.Me.Its.You chapter 5 . 4/13/2010
i've missed your updates so much!

its an amazing update!

i lovelovelove it!

please update soon!

tamii chapter 5 . 4/13/2010
Yay, you updated! I really love this story. What a cliffhangee, though! I was literally holding my breath when she got that letter - you are really good at making the reader feel the emotions of the characters.

You have to update soon! Please :)
I Murder on Impulse chapter 4 . 4/11/2010
Awesome chapter!


tami chapter 4 . 4/8/2010
I love your stories but you seem to start new stories without updating your other ones! Please continue with them, everybody loves them!

Update soon
Its.Not.Me.Its.You chapter 4 . 1/12/2010
so amazing! more soon please!
merecedeslove chapter 4 . 1/11/2010
O that was a nice little moment. I think he'll still want her after finding out about her past. Well at least I hope. Maybe it will make him like her even more.
taichcha chapter 1 . 1/10/2010
Great story! I can't wait for more!
tami chapter 3 . 1/5/2010
OMG! This is amazing!

Such an original plot and honestly an amazing read.

The way you managed to convey both character's emotions and personalities in these few chapters were great!

Okay, I'm going to stop waffling now :)

Hope you update soon! Could get addicted to this story!

(Also, I love the return of Jack Bartlett... hopefully Nora too...?)

Great work!
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