Reviews for Wrestling is Gay!
Steve M chapter 1 . 3/18/2017
Hot action!
Ebrethiel chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
A great pleasure to read from start to finish. Amazing storyline and the flow of writing was flawless.

Although, a few negative comments about your use of the words "come" and "came". They just didn't sound right to me. Although, they still fit.

In this line :

"When he looked up he saw his tormentors grinning godly face"

I think "tormentors" is supposed to have an apostrophe; "tormentor's".

I also noticed one other minor spelling error, but I can't find where it was :P

Great job. Looking forward to reading more from you.
Jehnyahl chapter 1 . 2/4/2010
I think you certainly proved your point, haha! It was very good and pretty sweet too!
antiwritesthings chapter 1 . 1/16/2010
lol WOW. idk y, but that vaguely excited me a little lol & im a chick. o.O

anyways, that was pretty interesting even though i almost expected it this time
Anthony Tesla chapter 1 . 1/10/2010
Hehehe, very funny (and now I know what you meant); I think this one is a lot better than mine's, and I have nothing but admiration: your writing is cleaner and easier to follow, and the plot was clever.

Good job!
Silvren Raine chapter 1 . 1/10/2010
Very interesting idea. I like it. Wrestling is gay~yup yup. cool story!
BrokePerception chapter 1 . 1/6/2010
I really like how you portrayed these two. You have a very good way of writing. I wish mine was as good. Good job. Maybe I'd love to see a continuence or a female/female pairing? :)