Reviews for Boundless
aby pwn u chapter 16 . 5/16/2010
NP :D U rock! Can't wait till I read more :) But I wont push you because ur sick :( That was sad! I really want to see Addison talking to Nathan again :'(

Anyways...Hope u write soon! And hope you get better! :D Chicken soup is good for the soul :P lol
w3ardo chapter 16 . 5/16/2010
i wonder whatll happen next...
Floppy125 chapter 16 . 5/16/2010
I can't believe how STUPID she is! Why doesn't she talk to him instead of walking out? I don't really care if she's scared of not, but she can't be that coward!


And poor Nathan! The poor guy is suffering, and probably if he goes on a date with another woman she'll be sad and jealous. And if she doesn't talk to him, HE should.


As you've read I'm pretty mad with the main characters... Anyways.. please update ASAP! Can't wait for more :)
Buddie24688 chapter 16 . 5/16/2010
LOL! Does he smell good? :P Hehe, hyperness makes me go WACKO! xD I love this chapter, all though there isn't much on Nathan. :( Pooh. MORE NATHAN! :D
HoodedStellaish chapter 16 . 5/16/2010
GAH, I want to strangle this girl! She's such a...a... I can't say what she is because *I* still don't know! :(

Lolz, but keep it interesting!

Meh.lalalala chapter 15 . 5/12/2010
I'm in love with your story! It's amazing, so please, like please please PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP write more! :)
aby pwn u chapter 15 . 5/11/2010
I MISS NATHAN!I want you to write more! Do u know how much torture its been? U ROCK!

I wanted to know:

Did U have an inspiration or did u just make it up from scratch?

What were you doing or thinking when you thought about writing this stoy
psykoteddy chapter 15 . 5/11/2010
Yes, yes, of course, dahling. But! Ah! Poor Nathan. :( I hope something gets resolved next chapter...But as always, I liked this one, and it is realistic (as realistic as romance gets!). Je t'aime, dude! I happily anticipate the next chapter and commend you for this one
Judith chapter 15 . 5/11/2010

I flipping cant believe I haven't reviewed in so long. But college is getting in the way and i have to deal with that shit. I am reading though, because no matter how much I want to stop (joys of work and college), I cant! Everything is progressing cool! And their kiss last chapter...AH-MA-ZING. Im not exaggerating. That's the most perfect kiss. I love how she likes him so much, yet she doesnt realize she does. I WANNA SMACK HER SO BAD. And then hug her after that (: SHE NEEDS, to talk to Nathan, I mean after all her told her and the wonderful kiss SHE RAN AWAY? Man. SHOO, yes, not enough time lately to review. But I love this story so much. I love Nathan (HE'S SO YUMY), I love Addison, I hate her father and Kevin. I'm feeling for your characters! And yesh. I should be asleep right now, so I'll catch up later. LOVE THIS SO FUCKING MUCHH!



rawhrr. (:

Love you.
violet-eyez chapter 15 . 5/10/2010
aww hope he's not too mad at her..
browneyedcolly chapter 15 . 5/10/2010
OH NO! why'd she run away! Poor nathan he's probably sad.
Midnight113 chapter 15 . 5/10/2010
I love Chloe, she's hilarious. Seriously, they have a great little friendship going on there and she reacted to this new development exactly as I would have expected her to lol. I'm glad there was a little revelation going on in this chapter as well in regards to Addison actually, maybe liking him or at least finding him so kissable (good one). It's a start. Fantastic and don't worry about there being no Nathan in this chapter, it's good to have a break from something as sexy and wonderful as him every once and a while, lol. I can't wait for more!
Floppy125 chapter 15 . 5/9/2010
OMG! What is she going to do? I can't wait for more! Poor Nathan! I still can't believe she did that to him.

Anyways... please update ASAP :)
Personality Differs chapter 15 . 5/9/2010
I'll always review. I think I'm addicted to your story. I should be typing mine so I can update but I'd rather be reading yours. I think you wrote this chapter extremely well. I can't wait for more. :)

love Rhee
NB-writer chapter 15 . 5/9/2010
UGH! I feel so sorry for Nathan. Addison is so squirrelish. Like she runs across the street, gets half way there, runs part ways back, then tries to figure which direction she really wants to go. Gr. I feel like I want to go thump her on the head and shove her into Nathans arms.

I like love your plot by the way, but their is something about the way you write that is throwing me off; like a nagging sensation in the back of my head. Not in a bad way, but still. It's almost like I can skip through part of your work, then I have to go back to read it a second time because I missed it. I'm not really sure what it is...

Any way, love the plot and you handle your characters well. Please post another chapter soon.
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