Reviews for Boundless
11cina24 chapter 15 . 5/9/2010
haha, it was all in her head. But seriously, what is she going to DO now? I mean, I'd be at a stump of what to do. I want to read the next chapter super bad! You know, this would be an awesome story if you published it[: Haha, yes, it sorta was. But that was awesome! 'OMG', ha ;P
Paige Lynn Porter chapter 15 . 5/9/2010
I have totally been Chole to my friends. It's so FUN to watch a friend get all flustered and in denial. :D

And this was fantastic. Made me happy!
Buddie24688 chapter 15 . 5/9/2010
WAH! :'( I miss Nathan! DX
HoodedStellaish chapter 15 . 5/9/2010
I *REALY* wanna smack Addy right now. Running away from Nathan after he told her that his sister was murdered? That's worse than ICE COLD. That like, Hell cold...if there is such a thing. Haha.

Awesome! Keep it up, please!
Its.Not.Me.Its.You chapter 15 . 5/9/2010
HighOnBrokenWings chapter 12 . 5/7/2010
""I don't hate you, you just…irritate me sometimes.""

God, you seriously dont know how much that sounded like something I once said...I guess I can relate to Addie because I act like that to someone I know...except it's not because I like them like that...but still. Yeah. I'm quite a hostile person, she reminds me of me...only, I'm not violent ;P

Great chapter. I've seriously talked about me, and not the story...God, that's so horrible! Ahwa, they're so cute!
HighOnBrokenWings chapter 11 . 5/7/2010
Funny story about a tangerine that my friend told me just yesterday, and that tangerine icecream thing reminded me of it.

So, she was babysitting some kid or another and this kid (I think he was about five) was listening to Abba, you know, how you do. Anyway, this kid was singing along, and said "feel the beat of the tangerine" instead of tamborine...Okay, I thought it was funny...

Aw. The swing thing was ADORABLE! AW (Insert heaps more W's that I know FP will delete.

Writers block is actually poo, it's weird that you can get something - anything - out while your having it, though. I fail completely when I've got the block.

Loved the last two chapters. I'm waiting for the kiss, though I'm pretty sure it's around chapter 14 right? I read your reviews :D
HighOnBrokenWings chapter 9 . 5/7/2010

That was adorable.

Poor wee thing.

There's not so much to say to this chapter...just that it was FUCKING AWESOME!

Dont swear. Swearing is bad!


Great chapter.

I cant stop reading right now, even though I should be making pancakes for my family...
HighOnBrokenWings chapter 8 . 5/7/2010
The whole pretty thing earlier on in the chapter really spoke to me, because personally I dont want a guy to just like me for beauty (or lack there of :P) or whatever, but rather for me. There's a good message you're putting out in there.

""Maybe we should take this slower?""

:0 At first I thought that said "Maybe we should take a shower" and I was like "WHat? Hold up, girl," Rather funny. YOu should have seen my face!

So it didn't go badly, the date, but I almost think that's better. It means it can go on for longer, and then be more fun to read!

Today...I'm tired. Haha. That's the end :D

How are you?
HighOnBrokenWings chapter 7 . 5/7/2010
I like Nathan.

Addie seems rather violent, I'm thinking. It's funny how her hits and things never seem to hurt anyone though. It's probably because she's little, huh?

I really want her to go on this date, for something bad to happen and for her to be saved by Nathan...

But that's just me.

Next chapter!
HighOnBrokenWings chapter 6 . 5/7/2010
Hey :D

This is going great. I love the contrast between the two guys...evem though on the surface (kind of) they seem the same, when really we all know Nathan's not actually a pervert...right? She's made a bad decision, I'm thinking!

The comment about her "not being amazingly beautiful" or whatever it was, was kind of interesting, because then I thought of how that conversation would go if I was writing it, and it was completely different...

I guess that's just how things roll, and I liked reading it this way.

Well, I'm really tired right now (even though I only woke up and hour and a half ago, after a twelve hour sleep) so I'm off to read the next chapter :D
maddiee chapter 14 . 5/5/2010
ah your a really awesome writer i just read the chapters you have so far and i cannot believe your lieving me on a cliffhanger like that HURRY
psykoteddy chapter 14 . 5/5/2010
Good freaking god. *bangs head on wall* Arghh! Bad Addie, bad! Way to RUIN the MOMENT, much? And poor Nate! Hmph! *grumbles and mutters to self*

...Now I really need to read the next chappie, lol. I have to know what happens! Much loves and until next time, buh-bye!
NM Vendel chapter 14 . 5/5/2010

Just wanted to say that I really like your story. I think it's got a good pace and Nathan is obviously a great character.. What I don't really buy though, is the unreasonable hatred Addison's father has for her. I think it would make more sense if he was absent-minded as well as physically absent, that he didn't see her or particularily care about her. But hate her? No.

Just a thought!


violet-eyez chapter 14 . 5/3/2010
hope your brother is feeling better...i can't believe she ran after finally having kissed him
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