Reviews for Boundless |
The Gentleman's Pirate chapter 13 . 4/25/2010 shall i send you a link if i ever get around to writing it? I don't think i'll use exactly my story, but i'll definitely base it on it. Ok, M is fine for me but some ppl don't like don't like it. just wondering, thanks. So, what happened Nathan? |
sappyromancelvr chapter 13 . 4/25/2010 Wow. What happened? Can't wait for the next chapter! |
Itsumi chapter 13 . 4/25/2010 Happy Birthday! Almost can't wait for the next chapter! Wonder what's wrong whit Nathan. I like your story a lot! Good luck whit the rest of it. x Humaniw |
GossipGirl chapter 12 . 4/23/2010 Ah i read this story so damn fast! I love it since it really reminds me of the relationship i'm having with a guy :DD Anyway, please write more! You've got a great talent ;) |
Its.Not.Me.Its.You chapter 12 . 4/22/2010 uor awesometastic! |
MadameLeQueen chapter 12 . 4/21/2010 Nathan gave her a smirk. "I'm taking you to the park so we can…" – He lowered his voice mockingly – "you know…fuck." BWAHAHAHAH XD I laughed really really hard here ROFL! |
Personality Differs chapter 12 . 4/21/2010 I would love to live in this place. The way you described the lake made the image come into my head so clearly. Normally it takes some kinda of visual but you described it so perfectly. I'm glad to see that Nathan isn't loosing all his pervertedness I was a little worried that after the party he was going to completely change. But can you please include a little bit more on his history. Little clues maybe. But apart from that it was excellent as normal. Can't wait to read more. Love Rhee |
Midnight113 chapter 12 . 4/21/2010 I love how much they clash with each other, her temper and his teasing, it's perfect. I like that he shared his discovery of the lake with her, that says a lot about what he's thinking. I did enjoy all the interaction in this chapter, it's always so fun to read. They are insane characters that's for sure. ;) I especially loved when she bit him, I didn't see that coming, lol. Awesome story, keep up the amazing work! |
Random Awesome chapter 12 . 4/20/2010 Your chapters are like little pieces of heaven :] |
11cina24 chapter 12 . 4/20/2010 Hm, I have this creepy feeling that you know me TOO well . Stalking much? (Huge, flashy arrow pointing down at you)Hah,but you wouldn't really be able to though, sorta. If you took a really long trip from Canada to Oregon. Your from Canada right? That picture is from the beach trip me and some of my classmates went to! It was so much fun, I slept in the aquarium with the fishies! x) |
psykoteddy chapter 12 . 4/20/2010 Psh, of course my reviews are funny, when you're completely insane most people laugh even when you're serious. ...Poor Kreepy Kevin. Nobody loves him, not even his Kreator. Does he like Krispy Kreme and Rice Krispy Treats? (That was so not funny. I'm lame. It makes me feel like I'm speaking K, which is disgusting and wrong and...I'm off track.) Hello. I adore this story. I feel joyous anticipation for the next chapter. And oh yummy smelling sweaters :D But dude. The cats? Hilarious! Evil Nate pulls ahead once again! I would love like...a little interlude with them at peace and Addison painting. Really. It would rock my fuzzy blue socks. |
Floppy125 chapter 12 . 4/20/2010 aw! I loved the fact that she wore his sweater! it's so nice! i think every girl loves to wear men's clothes (at least I do)... Anyways... I loved this chapter! I hope they start progressing a little bit more... PLEASE UPDATE ASAP! Can't wait for more :) XOXO |
cpt john chapter 12 . 4/20/2010 OH! good |
MaPluie chapter 12 . 4/20/2010 OMIGOD. I WAS LAUGHING MY ASS OFF WITH THE CAT SCENE. OH GOSH. HAHAHAHHAHAHA! I'm glad that Addie is slowly warming up around Nathan. Yaay! |
Paige Lynn Porter chapter 12 . 4/20/2010 YAY! All Addie and Nathan! :D So sweet. They're so funny. You're doing a great job of portraying them as teenagers would actually be developing their relationship. So many writers make them fall in love right away but this is showing the hesitation that would actually be in place. Props to you for showing it! |