Reviews for The Gay Fairy Book
Luna Sylv chapter 8 . 1/12/2014
nooooooooooooooo please updateeeee
Luna Sylv chapter 2 . 1/11/2014
It reminds me of something by Gail Carson Levine actually
DirtyBooks chapter 8 . 8/5/2012
I read all these little fairy tales, and they were so cute. :P Good job keeping up the style, and dropping it occasionally when appropriate. I really enjoyed them all. :)
numnuts chapter 8 . 10/31/2011
I found this chapter really sad, whereas the others usually are quite humourous, so it was jarring, which is good. I felt sad for Han, really sad, his character changed so much by the time Espin turned up. I think this was well written.

Anyway, on the whole of this series of yours, I really love them, they are a lot of fun to read, I can picture these characters quite clearly, and you are not afraid to shy away from things... it's cool!

Keep up the great work!
Disney Is Hardcore chapter 4 . 5/1/2011
Ah, I had an inkling that I recognised their names from somewhere... I now know it was snow-White and Rose-red.

'far too dignified to be a squeal' - I love that the fairy's a fangirl x)
Disney Is Hardcore chapter 1 . 5/1/2011
Hmm. I think I would have liked to know where talking cabbages would fit in... o-o
Gator-aide chapter 1 . 1/27/2011
lol I read this to my sister out loud and when I came to 'those' parts I just said, "and they did secret stuff!" and she was happy. It was a good story :D
Chatte-Rouge chapter 8 . 12/9/2010
* helps stomp on the egg * If only i to was a prince! Then helping would do some good!
Chatte-Rouge chapter 6 . 12/9/2010
A man not afraid to commit! :o

Lol :P
Chatte-Rouge chapter 5 . 12/9/2010
Ah, how can that poet keep his composure!
tellmeyouloveme chapter 5 . 10/24/2010
I love these! So cute and lovely and well written my favourite so far is Ewell and Linden but Felix and the pot of pinks was great too :) x
ToraOkami303 chapter 8 . 10/16/2010
huh i never heard of most of the origonals cep the last one i read that during my folklore craze and few years back

~T O~
Esquirella chapter 8 . 10/14/2010
You're very talented at these stories!
Esquirella chapter 7 . 10/14/2010
Another great one!
hee chapter 2 . 10/13/2010
Hey! I nearly wet myself laughing when he choked on the flower and my mother was like "Yo whatchu laughin at? let me see!" and I was like, suddenly serious, "Nothin! get outta here!" and so it continued for a while. And I had no explanation.
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