Reviews for Half Your Age Plus Seven
I Can Breathe chapter 12 . 5/29/2010
Lucky! I'm going to look forward to the updates. I don't really know what to say about Jude and Gracie, I didn't expect it to happen in this chapter. I like the awkwardness of it. I feel sorry for Aaron. Good update.
fuwafuwafuwari chapter 12 . 5/29/2010

That is all.


I'm so tired...
Julia Nathan chapter 12 . 5/29/2010
thank god for summer because I need more updates from this story! I absolutely love it :))
CONVERSEically Obsessed chapter 12 . 5/29/2010
OMG that was funny and i dont know why. lol Very sexy tho.

ANYWAYS! LOVED IT! write soon! It took you FOREVER to update last time. I seriously almost died in anticipacion (is that ho u spell that?) ugh write faster! my life depends on it! lol
LeAnn chapter 11 . 5/13/2010
Yay you addressed the issue! Lol. That clears things up. And wow they kissed! Again, but for real this time haha. I cannot wait to see how the rest of prom night pans out. I hope its juicy!
blue slip chapter 11 . 5/11/2010
love this story...another great chapter...but i dont get the 'because im a guy too' probably just being really stupid...but anyway keep writing:)
A Kiss in the Dreamhouse chapter 11 . 5/11/2010
Really nice chapter. I really liked that Gracie is sensitive towards Dexter's feelings as a person.

And Gracie kissed Jude! We!
Epic-lee Fayeld chapter 11 . 5/10/2010
Arg Im totally confused! please write again quickly! :D im addicted to this story...
jodiggity chapter 11 . 5/10/2010
Please update soon! I want to finish this story. Oh my god! Hurry up. Hehe.
I Can Breathe chapter 11 . 5/10/2010
I feel slow and dumb. I didn't understand the "Because I'm a guy, too." part but I really liked the chapter. I'll re-read it tomorrow and it'll probably make sense. The tension between Jude and Gracie is going at a nice pace - I like the awkwardness of their relationship.
Mantis Pie chapter 11 . 5/10/2010
Wait, what? What's the Horrible revelation dawned that had to do with the heels? She fell...? Ughh, i feel completely stupid. :D
Stretch19 chapter 11 . 5/10/2010
shocked to say the least, i didn't think she'd initiate any type of kiss. i'm liking that she's just figured out dexter to some extent. can't wait for the next chapter. keep writing!
fuwafuwafuwari chapter 11 . 5/10/2010
WHOA! I did NOT see that coming! Go, Gracie! Go, Jude! I'm rooting for those two so much it's starting to get painful. And I really like Dexter, he seems like a cool dude...but...HE'S IN THE WAY!

Anyways, loved this chapter (as always)! Thanks so much for updating!
An Identified Nobody chapter 11 . 5/10/2010
oh shit, dude! dexter saw right? cause like he said 'it really turns a brother on' or something of that sort and then right after 'because i'm a guy too'. i mean, shit!

but she and jude finally kissed -both consciously, if i may say so- so i should be saying, 'OH YEAH!' right?

cause i'm like babbling again and talking gibberish right? but whatever. what i really wanna say was that iLUV the way you made them kiss. and iLUV the way you made me go home happy -which is quite ironic since i'm at home already. so, get on with prom!
ryse chapter 11 . 5/9/2010
I love how you just updated :)

made my day - especially since i have exams D:

(sigh) ah, jude.

I think, yes, he looks young .. but it's the point.

i mean, I would probably think the whole thing was unrealistic if Jude looked 20... but still. Make him look like a 17-18 year old... I don't know. Your choice.


:D :D

update more, yes ?
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