Reviews for Space Jockey
Treo-LeGigeo chapter 16 . 11/30/2014
Eee what a lovely ending :-) I really enjoyed this story, some fun short adventures and our two heros through all of it. I love how shameless Adonis is, and Heenan's longsufferingness :P And it's a fascinating world you've created too, especially with the attitudes to companions and 'products' and slavery.

I think if I had to pick, Homecoming would be my favourite because I'm a family sap. But all in all, well-developed world, very likely characters, and cool little stories. Really like it a lot!
VisualKeiRocker92761 chapter 16 . 7/17/2014
This was a great set of chapters with wonderful adventures that kept me hooked till the very end. I am officially in love with Adonis and Heenan and will definitely look for their updates in thd future! A very great write!
Guest chapter 16 . 6/25/2014
Great story. The attention to detail made this a professionally sounding story. The sex interwoven in the story was hot and just enough to keep it fresh each time.
Guest chapter 16 . 4/26/2014
loved it! Thanks
Maki chapter 16 . 4/17/2014
Yay, going to reread the whole book now! Thank you, love it
Vlurry19 chapter 16 . 4/9/2014
Wonderful story! Looking forward to more in the future as well.
Originally Pristine chapter 15 . 11/9/2013
I'm loving Adonis and Heenan! And I love them together even more. [Cough] More sex scenes please. [Cough]

[Blushes] Oh goodness, I'm such a pervert.

I'm stalking this story now. Aha! Loved the chapter, and your writing, MomsDarkSecret! I can't wait to read more of this.
chibikodo chapter 14 . 8/12/2013
Haha Adonis is quite clever. :) Heenan is a lucky guy. Haha

I think that despite everything, they'll be targeted by the sketchy bidders even though they're essentially 'dumping' Nancy. Hmm chapter 14 . 8/8/2013
wow! i absolutely love this story! i am so glad that you continue to update!this is truly an amazing work of literature! in fact, im almost speechless at the perceptive of the feelings and the way the story has progressed. i love the way heenan is so -just WONDERFUL- and adonis is so seductive but cares for heenan; their relationship is absolutely adorable. i hope and i wish that you know of the people, like me, whom your story has absolutely made their day! as i had read this story, i was completely enraptured and couldnt be separated from my ipad! i can only imagine how wonderful a person you must be to write such a story. i find myself wishing with abated breath that you will continue and finish this wonderful piece of work that i have fallen in love with. i thank you from the bottom of my heart for the chance to read such a wonder for it is the kind of story i find myself reading over and over and i desperately hope that you will find your muse to help you continue writing. i eagerly await your next update on the edge of my chair!
a newly dedicated follower 爱人
moon-skittles chapter 2 . 8/5/2013
So far, this is an exceptionally well-written bit of fiction! The narrator's tone is very defined, and contrasts nicely with Adonis' character. I appreciate how developed the science and culture bits of the story are, as well.
My one complaint is that the sexy bit in the first chapter is a little... matter-of-fact, perhaps? I feel with a little more detail, a little more buildup, it could be much hotter. That was disappointing, as I'm sure these two could have some very hot sex.
Adonis' reaction when the company doesn't want him is a little heartbreaking. All that effort he put into keeping himself in shape. It's sort of a values dissonance, because I would expect a prostitute to feel degraded by their work, but he takes such pride in it. Gave a little more insight to the character; I like it.
["Ship maintenance!"] This had me laughing.
Originally Pristine chapter 14 . 8/2/2013
Goodness, I love this story. :3 I need moar!
Guest chapter 14 . 8/2/2013
OMG, an update! Now I want to reread the story (again lol) . Love this story, one of my favourites
WhiteAnxiety chapter 13 . 6/6/2013
I really like this story. This is actually my first fiction since I usually read fanfiction. I love how creative this is. With the space and stuff update soon :)
Drizzle chapter 13 . 4/6/2013
very interesting plot and characters, quite different. i like that!
Myranda Lynn chapter 13 . 12/4/2012
You know at first I thought it would be weird only seeing new chapters for this story every once in a blue moon, but I think it kind of works well in a way. I'm still looking forward to the next chapter but I'm not in any rush.
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