Reviews for this is the way heaven must look at night
Dark Blue Lover chapter 1 . 10/18/2011
"The city sky bleeds stars." Awww, beautiful.

I must admit I was wondering why Audrey set the shed afire... ? But then, she's acting compulsively all over, so maybe there was no real reason. Rather unique character, never read anything quite like this! In a way very realistic as well, even if I never actually met anyone like Audrey, but the images you bring to mind are really vivid.

"... the ladder is slipping. When the time comes, you have to be prepared to rebuild yourself." Woah, really true in a way!

"Compulsive lying never helped but it made her feel good about herself." Sorry for the remark, but I don't think compulsive things ever make somebody feel good. Everybody with a real! quirk I knew wanted to get rid of that. But you're describing well how compulsively Audrey acts all in all.

"This time, Audrey vanishes in the wind and in the brightness of Vegas lights, she dwells quietly and she finds that sitting outside still feels like home." Beautiful imagery.

"Tragedy just happens and it's how we deal with it that matters." Gah, that end is so true.

Sad piece but beautifully written, in a way. Definitely worth reading!
the ashtray girl chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
i wanted to return the favor of a review, hopefully on something that hadn't yet been reviewed. your work is amazing.

"but the ladder is slipping"

"she has a window table all to herself."

"She pretends her eyes are black holes in the middle of her face."

amazing piece.