Reviews for An Open Letter To God
Happy to be Mad chapter 1 . 2/28/2010
-laugh- nice piece... suprised you havent goten any7 major flames yet
queenZ chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
Nietzsche did not think God was dead because of a lack of participation. You should try actually reading him before you reference him.
Reason-Flower chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
"the devil didn't want me to know his address", hehe. Now why's that, I wonder? I like it. more spelling mistakes, but otherwise, you brought up some good points and I liked the imagery, comparing things to childhood toys and stuff. And of course God's ill, didn't you know? He got the smallpox, and he's had to rest for a while. That's all. There's no way smallpox could kill GOD . . .