Reviews for Collision Course |
Francine Brown chapter 2 . 10/16/2011 This is already making me cry. It was an even worse idea to read this while listening to Demi Lovato - Fix a Heart x[ |
dstarlight chapter 25 . 9/29/2011 All I can say is this story has kept me hooked to the very last word. I had to keep myself from reading it all in one sitting without any breaks, I came close. And I also want to apologise for not reviewing each chapter separately, I just got so impatient that I had to find out what happened next. I’ve just joined this site and I will tell you that I’m rather picky in what I read. Something really has to grasp me from the get go and keep me interested. This definitely did that! I felt myself going through all the motions with Lucas, you portrayed his progress in a way that I could really submerge myself in. Also I found Sawyer to be just as intriguing. Even though this was written solely from Lucas’ point of view, I truly empathised with her story as well. Which just proves how well written this was. There was a rollercoaster of emotions that certainly kept me on my toes. Sadness and grief being the most prominent of them which is understandable given the subject matter, but there was also hope and love. I even found myself frustrated and angry at times, the main reason being Lucas’ inability to not let go, for wanting to abandon everything (take the easy way out) and just end things. I was even scowling at the computer screen, that’s how invested I was in Lucas’ journey. I have to commend you for the way you handled Lucas and Sawyer’s budding relationship. The growing friendship and then eventual romance was one of the things that kept me riveted. You conveyed that first step into adulthood and intimacy with such care and taste. These two were dealing with things that no one at their age should have to deal with, but that’s the way life goes sometimes and you showed that. Lucas’ past friendships with Darren, Sammy and Lil were also a driving force that kept everything together. The bond between the three of them is one of the reasons why the storyline worked. I felt those ties even though Darren, Sammy and Lil were no longer present in Lucas’ life. The side characters were also well rounded and identifiable. You had Lucas’ mom who was just trying to help, and Josh who was understandably angry and hurt by his brother's death. Then there was Beth who I felt gave a voice to my own feelings while reading. She was saying everything I wanted to say to Lucas. All in all an amazing piece of writing! I will definitely check out your other works, and am excited to do so. Dawnx |
Hwesna chapter 25 . 9/9/2011 WOW! I am utterly speechless... I cried and cried at the end (in a good way though!) You conveyed the emotions sooo well! Congratulations, you really deserve all the praise and reviews! Congrats for the future! Hwesna | chapter 26 . 8/16/2011 Your story is amazing in so many ways- realistic, sympathetic. Your characters were well formed and believable. You made me feel awe, sadness, worry and more. I finished the story feeling...satisfied. Thank you. |
noriepie chapter 1 . 7/21/2011 just to be clear, you are S.C stephens on feedbooks? Because I just read conversion and it was great! |
Carlotta Lynn chapter 25 . 7/15/2011 Oh man, I bawled almost through the whole thing! I just couldn't stop myself, so heart-wrecking, so painful! I'm so happy with the ending. It's exactly the way I wanted it to end and brought only happy tears! Thanks so much for sharing! |
Astarael-11 chapter 26 . 7/10/2011 Oh wow, I just finished reading your story and it was really amazing. Your writing style is very good and I could actually see myself reading this as a book. I can't believe all the stuff Lucas went through. I mean, I can't even comprehend what it would've felt like for him being the one driving the car that killed all his friends. I just wish people had been kinder to him but then I guess some always were and he just wasn't willing to see that. Sawyer was such a cool character as well. I loved that she always stuck by Lucas and was pretty much always there when he needed her. I'm glad they both found each other and I'm glad her parents let up a bit about Lucas. Lucas's mother seems like someone who has just been through far too much in her life. I can't believe the Sheriff ended up being married, I'm glad she's happy with him though. I could totally understand why Lucas got angry about her not telling him that they had been together for so long. I absolutely loved the way you described Darren, Sammy and Lil because they were always such a big part of the story and I could imagine each of them separately with their own personalities which was really cool. Josh was an interesting character and I'm glad that he doesn't seem to hate Lucas as much as he did before. I'm glad they're at least getting along a bit and I think it's the only way that he might be able to get over Darren. As for some of the other characters, Mr Varner was just a jerk, Beth was really cool and so was Ms Reynolds and Mrs Soheim was great in her absent-mindedness. I'm sorry, this review is getting far too long but I just wanted to say that everything about this story was amazing. The plot, the setting, the characters, everything was just so believable and great to read. I think one of the most poignant parts was when Sawyer and Lucas were lying in bed together after the dance and they were talking. For some reason that bit just sticks out to me. I think that's all I have to say :P |
jamaninja chapter 25 . 7/9/2011 I'm not going to lie, there were points in this story that I really, REALLY hated Lucas. Like I wanted to lunge into my computer screen and strangle him. That's how much I hated him. And I loved Sawyer so much that I just wanted smack Lucas in the face and tell him how much he didn't deserve her. But then the end made up for it. Honestly, I think the reason I hated Lucas so much was because he's real. His grief and his pain was real and you brought the reader into his mind. It was brilliant how you did it. Often there are too many stories with heroes and heroines that are too perfect and too likeable, which makes them unrelatable and unbelievable. Which is why your story stands out so perfectly. Lucas was a dickwad every now and then, which made the story real to the reader. It made me feel like I knew him. This was a fabulous story. You are incredibly talented, and I can't wait to read more of your stuff. |
IvoryZombie chapter 26 . 7/7/2011 This story was absolutely amazing! I always started reading but never really got to keep going but I finally got the chance to read the whole story and I wondered why I hadn't decided to start sooner. It was really well written and I felt connected to the characters. Hope you keep up the good work :) |
teddy chapter 1 . 7/2/2011 I cried the very first chapter! This was really good and i liked how you developed the character of Lucas. There were some times when i felt the story got a little corny, like with lucas saying that now that he opened up, he will never hold his feelings again. But other than that it was awesome! |
SlrMagica chapter 26 . 6/21/2011 I kept seeing this story pop up on the SKOW site but didn't read it until now. Am I'm so glad I finally did- I loved it, and definitely needed a few kleenex P Great characters (even the ones who were dead P), great story! |
Taciturne chapter 26 . 6/5/2011 This was the very first story I'd read of yours, and I was thoroughly impressed. I'd found it off of Project Fiction and was going through all the stories on their list in order. I very much liked the plot as a whole, it's not something that you come across very much, although I think I had a similar thought once before. Something about too much guilt. Although, in no way could I have ever accomplish what you have in its telling. My next favourite would be your description of the characters. They were too real to me; I felt all their frustration, heartbreak, and grief. It was also refreshing to see that there are plenty of good stories told entirely from a male's perspective and that there is also a recognition for the should-be-growing fashion of thumb rings! Seriously, I loved thumb rings even more after reading this story. -Taciturne |
ILveJcb chapter 25 . 6/2/2011 Hi there, this will be my last review on this story- Im sure you're glad to hear that :P I have to say, the story was amazing and did make me cry a few times. Not pathetic, small tears, but tears where i had to bite my lip to keep quiet. I mean, I was reading this last night and if my parents heard me sobbing and woke up, it would have freaked them out! Okay, back to the story. Wow. Seriously. Wow. The character i grew most fond of other than the main two was Darren. I don't know, but everytime he dreamt of him, I cried. His death was the most emotional to me. I mean teh rest didn't deserve to die, but Darren's hurt ME most. Don't know about other readers. The scenes with Josh, really tore my heart. He was suffering so much. Thankfully, I have never lost someone close to me, but when I was reading those scenes, it felt like I had! Just goes to show how amazingly it was written. The one thing I kept on thinking in teh last three chapters was "if there IS a world after death, when Luc dies, who will he choose? Lil or Sawyer?" Because he was still very much inlove with Lil and I can't help feeling that he would have chosen her over Sawyer. I dunno if you reply to your reviews, but I'd love to know if you had thought of that. Of course, the easiest thing to think would be to think when you die you just fade.. Anyway. I have finished writing my essay of a review. This really was amazing and I don't regret not sleeping and reading till 3 in the morning. Even though my final exams are in a week or so! I'll sure be reading more of your stories soon. As soon as I don't have to sit exams! I can't wait for teh summer break! Great story! Thank you. |
ILveJcb chapter 15 . 5/31/2011 For some reason, it's always Darren that brings tears to my eyes. |
ILveJcb chapter 13 . 5/31/2011 Okay..I get the whole 'he really loved her' thing etc, but Lil really needs to push him away and let him move on! I feel so sad for Luc; how can he POSSIBLY move on when they are so much together like that. Lil really needs to let him go. And maybe Luc will realise the truth of the whole situation. |