Reviews for Full of Questions
lightXdarkness chapter 22 . 2/17/2013
I really want to know who said that last phrase to Aiden. Really, my mind is going into turmoil as I try to figure out who it is. :P I really love love loove this story. However everything seemed to suddenly change. It's like one day Aiden and Spencer meet up after being seperate for two months and then he lost all his memories and went to a small killing spree along the way. Not that I mind, I actually liked the bit of action. XD Truthfully, this story was like a fresh breath of air.

Though as much as I love this story, I'm kind of confused on Spencer. Either everything Spencer said to Aiden about him not leaving Aiden for the world was complete BS or Spencer has gotten cold. Colder than antarctica. Sure I like Vincent but I am not sure, I feel like he isn't a match-match for Aiden. I actually been liking Vincent to but I can't really forget that last couple times Aiden spent with Spencer. Spencer and him were inseperable and with all of this happening in the way, I would have thought they would put the past behind them, not completely of course but like enough for Spencer and Aiden to show more emotions towards each other. Almost like a wistful feeling.

Anyways, I absolutely love Cole to death. He was such a cutie in the beginning and I'm wondering if being a demon had changed him like it changed Alice.

I am really on edge because it seems as if everyone is having trouble with their mates. Personally I like Spencer or the old Spencer. I know he is your character but I honestly am having doubts with Spencer's personality. Does Spencer love Aiden or does he not? And hopefully we will find out why Spencer didn't tell anyone he knew where Aiden was. If Spencer is a bad guy I am going on a small killing spree too. lol nah, my conscience wont let me. So yeah, I hope you give us and insight on Spence because though I love him, I have to say he is being a jerk while Vincent is taking his role. :0)
FamishedNight chapter 22 . 2/7/2013
Flag chapter 9 . 1/30/2013
I like this a lot, though I feel the transition from the time in the hospital to being back in the real world was a bit fast and that it went from what seemed like a fairly normal world to suddenly "Oh your a demon, I'm a demon and so is everyone else." From what I've read so far the world isn't really explained. Are demons a common thing? Does everyone know they exist? I'd continue but I don't have time to keep writing.
TarnItUp chapter 16 . 7/14/2012
Can I just say I love this story? I love the idea of demons like this, it's really neat and unique. It's breathes new life into the idea of romanticized demons, in my opinion. And your take on the whole 'mate' situation is amazing, too. Personally, I prefer Spencer to Vincent, but I think that's mostly because I've always been a fan of boys with white hair for some inexplicable reason. I can't wait to see what happens next with Aiden and Mr. Moore and Spencer and Vincent and Cole and the others! Please, do try and update soon.
Kobashiftw chapter 10 . 7/21/2011
This is just the kind of story I've been looking for. I am kinda curious about a few things though. (I just read the entire story in one go so this review is for all of them up until now) At the end of the chapter 4, when Aiden feels the pain and then passes out, have you explained why that is (or hinted at it)? I might be missing something but it seems like he passes out and then its a time jump to him staying in his room. OOOO and that reminds me, please bring Cole back! He sounded so adorable and Aiden's affection to him was so CUTE! I'm still not sure if I'm happy with Spencer being his mate instead of Cole. And I bet Dylan (Cole's brother right?) is still alive! and .Evil-Jerk just kept him away from Aiden. (I'm just typing this review as things come to there really isn't any order...) And Aiden needs to focus on questioning Spenc. Cause I want to know how Spenc and Aiden are 'supposed' to be mates, if mates are chosen and not assigned (can't think of a better word)...-confused look- speaking of mates, if they are chosen is it just a dominate is all like 'grr arg you be mine -bite-' (I guess all dominates are cavemen in my head lol) and the other just has to take it? (totally just going to use 'seme' and 'uke' cause typing out those words is getting annoying lol) and I'm guessing its the whole seme choosing and the uke just being forced into cause of the whole Felix wanting to make Aiden his mate even though he doesn't want to be. And the whole bit about him not being able to move, is that his submissive side coming out? or is it his human side realizing he is in danger? Cause I remember it seeming like it was at its worst when Damien was with Aiden, and wasn't Damien supposed to be really powerful? and What did Damien do when he was staring at Aiden? (I'm sorry if it seems like I'm just asking questions (some people think I am trying to tear the story apart when I do this (but I'm really not. It's more like 'Oh this story is really interesting' and then I sit here and keep thinking about it and get questions and who better to ask then the person who is writing it lol)))

(new paragraph cause I feel like that one was getting too long, but this isn't a proper paragraph its just a line break sorta thing) Just for the record I am doing a very manly glare -cough-pout-cough at the screen cause I have questions but they are the kind that will be answered later in the story, so i just have to fake patience lol. With the whole thing about Aiden giving off a scent that tells his moods, is that instinctual or something that happens cause he doesn't have a grasp on his emotions? Cause he seems to have some control over it sometimes but then other times they seem to just happen on their own. You are going to explain more about the Seme/uke relationship as the story goes on right? Cause I have more questions about that, but if they are things that will come up later I'll just ignore them for now lol. Well this review has went on for far too long (considering I'm sure every English/Grammar teacher in the US is cringing, sensing the destruction I am wrecking upon the English in this review. lol (Main points: 1) Love the story, the lore and behaviors are really interesting 2) Not sure if I like Spencer yet 3) you should bring the adorable Cole back 4) sorry about the grammar in this review 5)I hope Aiden goes all bad ass on Felix (ok so that is new but its true lol 6) Really Looking forward to the update 7) if you update in the next month I promise a nice long review (ok so I couldn't help myself even if it took a year, I would still end up with a really long review..but lets pretend my bribe has merit k? Thnx for agreeing XP
corigray333 chapter 10 . 7/8/2011
I wouldn't call Felix interesting, I think you created a new bad boy in this story. But Spencer hasn't had the best start, now he his the big pussycat lover.

It makes one furious when you read read about how strong Aiden is but can't do anything about a shorter alley cat. I tink somebody needs to be neutered.

But who could'nt understand their mother, her own kids are demons. And wait till she knows her children are gay demons.

Shawn and Adrian were also really funny.

This chapter was really exciting, it makes me itch for more. Thank you!
TakkunSekayha chapter 1 . 5/29/2011
One of the best first chapters of a book I may ever read. I love the characters the descriptiveness and the fact that I may have died a little reading this. I like it. Keep it up. Can't wait to read the rest.
corigray333 chapter 9 . 5/29/2011
Aidens life with Mr. Moore is intereting. I like how you tell little pieces about it, but you (as reader) never get the whole picture. What did the Doktor tell and teach Aiden? What were/are his goals? That makes your story exciting.

It's cute and heart warming how spencer tries to make their relationship work. Their interaction is fascinating. I didn't think Aiden would accept Spencer so readily. I thought him more shy and nervous. But your story shows the strong part in being submissiv. I appreciate that it isn't about one person to domnate the other but they build are healthy relationship for both of them.

I'm also interested what role the dark lords will play. What will they think/do regarding Aiden?

And oh, I think Adrian is funny. It's adoribly how he behaves with Shawn.

Thank you, can't wait for the next chapter!
corigray333 chapter 8 . 5/25/2011
I think Aiden will get his ass handed to him if he tries to tell his parents and grandma.

Thank you, I can't wait for the next chapter.
corigray333 chapter 7 . 5/25/2011
Wow, normally it only takes a year? Maybe that's why he turned black and red.

Intereting that's Sam the first to say how powerful aiden is.

In the first chapter I didn't really like Spencer but now he earns brownie points.
corigray333 chapter 6 . 5/25/2011
Other species really work fast. It was funny when you wrote about the smaller snake-girl. I had a really crazy picture in my mind.
corigray333 chapter 5 . 5/25/2011
Your story is like a puzzle. With every chapter I find a piece that was lost. Awesome plot.
corigray333 chapter 4 . 5/25/2011
I love the interaction between Aiden and his Sister.

But really suprising was the revealing of other demons. I didn't see this coming.

And oh, I think Spencer needs his ass kicked.
corigray333 chapter 3 . 5/25/2011
Cole was a suprise for me that he could acept everything so readily. He sounds much older. Interesting character.

I think living at home will be much harder as at the hospital.
corigray333 chapter 2 . 5/25/2011
Your story gets more interesting the more I read.
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