Reviews for A Piece Of Writing, I Suppose
sealednectar chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
This is such an honest piece of writing, so truthful. I loved it for that reason. It was kind of heartbreaking, but the ending looked on the bright side. Good work!:)


through you lies-your

its human-it's

its my fault?-it's

"Love is when you put forever around their hearts"-Beautiful!
She chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
HOLY CRAP THIS IS A GREAT PIECE OF WRITING. Oops caps lock. Well, ANYWAYS, I love the word choice and ideas that you are trying to express. It's a really creative and well written piece and I commend you on that.

mr mahler chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
you hold alot of talent,i don't think it's lacking in sense at all,it's good to be your own critic,but with wordplay like this believe in your words and self more, i think what has flowed from your head through your pen [or computer keys] onto the parchment or screen makes more creative understanding,there for me as the reader your sense was inbetween the lines metophorically...but yeah them words just traveled from your yurt to my humble abode,n smaked me in the face...i'll r&r more