Reviews for The Annual Prize
JamaisNe chapter 1 . 7/10/2010
Wow, what surprisingly competitive old people! I quite enjoy the ridiculous nature of the situation that borders so closely on reality. I find it even more amusing that, after all of that work to win, the Little Old Couple gave up so easily. (I thought for sure that the Little Old Lady would try adopting Mrs. Frederickson first!) Hm. You also seem to have made me hungry for potatoes.

On that note, thank you and adieu.

Nicky Eira chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
) as usual, a nice little story that pays tribute to your excellent writing, vocabulary and humor haha i totally loved the beginning, when you said they didnt have names and neither did the town, and so on P and the Little Old Woman's logic was genius XD
smushfaace chapter 1 . 3/18/2010
Very amusing, and yet very... sweet.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this!
