Reviews for The Sorceress' Slave
chasing colors chapter 6 . 12/19/2014
Your story is getting better and better. I will recommend this to many other people. I can't wait for the next update whenever you get the chance to :) you're like a mysterious writer hahah. I hope we get to see what happens to North... :) thanks so much for writing this awesome chapter! Hope to see more!
fan 1 chapter 6 . 12/19/2014
Hi! This fiction is really good. I have followed it for a long time and I have never been so bent on knowing what happens in stories... but yours is great. I really want to know what happens! Please don't forget this story. And I have to say all these twists and history behind these characters are very very good. I also enjoy your writing style and all that! Keep up the great work :)
AkeraWriterOfTheNight chapter 6 . 11/8/2014
OH NO YOU DON'T! You are a tricky Tempter of a writer. Very sly of you to use the male to disguise the female address for the Prince. I was close to leaving your story because it was not proving to be a "Lesbian" romance as you claimed it to be. I hope you are a frequent updater as I can not stand to wait too long for a new chapter from your work.
JJudkins chapter 6 . 11/7/2014
It's been 20 hours since your update. 20 hours of nothing! You haven't abandoned the story, have you?
Good so far. Is Voda here to make sure the story doesn't earn its M rating?
SweetFangs chapter 6 . 11/7/2014
I just read your profile. I'm so happy. I'm glad you haven't abandoned this story. I reread from the beginning (bc I forgot what was going on) and I can't wait for next chapter. You'll update after Nov. is over right? Please?

This story reminds me of A Simple Strength on here. A slave belonging to a powerful person, harsh treatments, feelings growing between the two...
Solelollipop chapter 5 . 4/7/2014
Pls don't give up on this story! I'm really enjoying it and really interested in knowing wat will happen next!
Guest chapter 5 . 1/25/2014
I notice that this gets an update once in a looong while :) But they're worth it! Please write more
Guest chapter 5 . 9/24/2013
I am really enjoying your story, can't wait to see more!
SweetFangs chapter 5 . 8/5/2013
Can I expect updates often or no? I'm leaning more toward no but it'd be great if you proved me wrong.
breakthehabit chapter 5 . 8/4/2013
not logged in :D Great! Continue. :3
breakthehabit chapter 4 . 4/6/2013
sinis chapter 4 . 5/1/2012
Bookmarked this a year ago, and noticed there still haven't been updates since... It's a great story - hope you find the time to continue it!
Twelfth Night chapter 1 . 2/19/2012
'from the elements of chaos and the elements of balance themselves."'

You could've cut out the second 'the elements of' as you did here:

'"Yes, fool, there are elements of chaos and balance within nature, otherwise nothing would make sense… including the existence of humankind itself. But as I was saying,'

And the above felt sort of random and unnecessary, an excerpt from a magic on lecture pasted into her threatening dialogue.

Also, you used '...' at least eight times in a short prologue, which is what I consider to be an overuse. You could've perhaps written in there being a pause or drawn silence. Or, in some cases, you can use '—' which is just '-' conjoined.

So far, I like this story. Although I don't know her name (I may've missed you mentioning it; additionally, using her name would be better than 'the sorceress' or 'the red-haired [or red-headed' sorceress, since it's not really required that those traits be frequently repeated.) I think that the main character is outstanding. X) Can't wait to meet her slave.
reader chapter 4 . 10/15/2011
This is very interesting story. I hope you would update. :)
chasing colors chapter 4 . 9/10/2011
Hello... It's been nearly one year or more... PLEASE update. I just found this story, and I reallyyy like it. It has a good plot sequence and pace... PLEASE. D: #cries

I hope you update one day... ;_;
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