Reviews for Wasteland
It'sAllBoutTheRomance chapter 1 . 1/6/2011
huh... very acurate, i like it _
Besieged.Infection chapter 1 . 5/20/2010
Great job on this. The prespective is great. It could use a little grammar, but then again the who 'capitals rare' add to the effect so it's really up to you. I like the concept, that under the bleachers is a wasteland. I'd always thought of the world above the bleachers as a wasteland, and it's nice to look at it the other way every once in a while. It's an interesting take on things.

Great essay- I enjoyed it.
xenolith chapter 1 . 4/2/2010
Ha, this is a depressing view of teenagers, yet one I can't help but laugh at, and agree with a little bit. I like how you described everything in this scene, from the people above to the people below, those in front, all mixed up with these casual observations. Paints a grim portrait, in a nonchalant, almost objective kinda way.

I particularly liked: 'An entire section full of Human Waste gives a standing ovation.'

But this: 'eager to plant her uterus with her chosen male's sperm cells' doesn't make sense to me. In a visual way. The uterus wall is impregnated with the eggsperm cell... I think... wow so not the time or place for human dev refresher lol.

So, nice one, all up.