Reviews for Weeds
FlyingThroughDreams chapter 1 . 4/12/2010
Aw! This is...incredibly well written.

It started off all mysterious, and I was dying to know where it was going. And then there was the first meet...and it just took off from there. :)

I like how you did how he felt about her, and then how she felt about him, and then the whole weed/wild flower thing. Really, this is a mysterious can't help but like the characters. It's almsot a classic love story- he tears her away from...almost from her life? I liked that conversation, very well done.

Anyways, I don't know if you're making this a one-shot or if you are continuing it- I sincerally hope you continue it, because it's quite good. It's...well, wonderful!

But even if you leave it as a one-shot, then I'd still like it.

Great story :)

musingSanity chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
This story is so well written. It just made me smile, the way you portrayed their love. I really hope that you can write another few chapters on this story, but of course its your choice:)