Reviews for Universal Choking Sign
Erin DJ chapter 16 . 3/24/2012
I love this story! Can't wait for the update!
Preposterous chapter 16 . 3/11/2012
You haven't updated this story in a while but I won't stop checking for updates. This story is awesome and the characters are so multi-faceted. I absolutely love it. You're a really talented writer.

Honestly, I was hoping Care would like Jeremy as more than a friend after their date. He's just so sweet and seems more stable than Dori.
Littlechin chapter 16 . 2/2/2012
I really enjoyed this chapter, except the fact that someone now might be outing all the girls is quite scary. I know you haven't worked on this story in at least a year, but i just wanted to let you know, i've read all that you've written and its really good. Unlike the usual boy and girl in a bad story, there is real depth to this. And i enjoy how he doesn't love her or even really like her at first. Wish you'd post the rest, but thanks for even keeping this much up!
pilly chapter 16 . 10/15/2011
well, nevermind. silly pilly. you know, someday i might learn to check the author's page for updates first. someday, maybe...we can only hope. XD wait, so is it the chapter 17 that's been done for months that you hate and want to rewrite, or the chapter 18 that's been being a bitch? either way, stop hating, woman! post!
pilly chapter 16 . 10/14/2011
well nevermind. silly pilly. you know, some day i may learn to check the author's page for updates first. someday, maybe... we can only hope. XD wait, is it the chapter 17 that's been done for months that you hate and are rewriting, or the chapter 18 that's been being a little bitch? either way, stop hating, woman! post!
pilly chapter 16 . 10/14/2011
a year... it's been a year. is it sad that i still regularly check back here? it is, isn't it. i've not given up hope though. even though this only lasted for 6 months, i still remember the way i anticipated each new chapter. the memory is so strong that in a way it doesn't even feel like it's been a whole year since i last experienced the joy of more carleigh&co antics. but in another way... well. in any case, this was one of the first stories i read on this site, or at least, it was one of the ones that kept me coming back, despite, less...entertaining stories that seem to be in abundance here. i was inspired to weed through for the gems by stories like this. it is because of this - and the fact that you took your hiatus half way through the story, far enough to ensure we were thoroughly ensnared in the plot and characters - that i shall continue to eagerly await your glorious return.


yeah. XD anyway, by this rant i just meant you've clearly still maintained a fan base in this time. good luck and stuff :)
welll chapter 2 . 9/22/2011
you aren't dead. but you aren't updating either. which is silly. because nothing gets you passed writers block like a fan base freaking out and giving their responses and expectations for what they want to see happen - which may be the inspiration you need. but you'll never know until you try it. and i am not at all the little bit biased in saying that either.
hmmmmmm chapter 1 . 9/19/2011
"3. 23. 2011

I exist, I haven't abandoned UCS, and I plan to update in the next couple of hours."

"Updated: 10-14-10"

...are you dead? because that would suck.
wunderstrucked chapter 16 . 8/30/2011
I can't wait for the next chapter! The story is really good, by the way. :D
maithai chapter 16 . 8/1/2011
in case you are wondering if people are still reading and waiting, we are. you are a brilliant writer, whatever is keeping you from updating - real life, plot bunnies, writer's block - i hope it resolves itself soon.
TT chapter 1 . 4/4/2011
aw you got our hopes up! and then just crushed them! not cool!
Guest chapter 16 . 3/30/2011
one week later...
Anonymous chapter 16 . 3/12/2011
Well, this is something I haven't come across in a long while, if at all.

I like the way that you made your characters so real, especially Care. The way that you keep her so true to her character, always flitting from one thought to the next, is something that doesn't always come easily to writers; I've read stories where characters' personalities are constantly fluctuating, or where the writer over-uses a particular phrase to try and establish that the character is in fact his/her self. Which is annoying, to me. The phrase becomes redundant after a while. But the way that you've portrayed Care, the way that you've painted out her thought processes, it all puts the reader in a position where they simply can't help seeing and agreeing with the things Care thinks, or laughing fondly at the silliness of her thoughts.

I also like how you seem to have captured the complexity of human relationships, like the relationships between Dorian and Pace, Care, and Savannah.

You've made your characters well-rounded, showing their strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. They have dimension, and they're just unpredictable enough to keep the reader on his/her toes.

Those are my thoughts anyway. Love your story, so please update quick!
rokbabe chapter 16 . 2/19/2011
ahh cn u plz update..i jus finished reading all 16 chaps! I love ths story!
Angelxoxo13 chapter 16 . 2/2/2011
I love motorcycle and riding it! In fact that what I want to do, in my lists of before I die. Just kidding on die part. And yeah, sadly I cnt find some to make my 'want' to reality.
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