Reviews for Universal Choking Sign
renegade01 chapter 3 . 5/3/2010
awesome chapter. i love it! i'm glad the plot's picking up a bit. the way the blame is placed on DC is wonderfully done. you can just visualise it happening.

aww, poor carleigh, she sounded like she was about to have a heart attack. love the revenge she carried out though. i absolutely cannot wait to read more. ;)
iiHEARTyuu chapter 3 . 5/3/2010
Well, I didn't really think about what would be in his diary. But man, I'm surprised. And disgusted. I still think he's an a'hole. It may change during the story, who knows. But at the moment, he's an idiot. Though I'm surprised that brain of his seems to be working enough to figure out it was Carliegh lol.

Oh snap, I can't wait for the next chapter. Shall be interesting to see DC's reaction lol!
woah-ed chapter 3 . 5/3/2010
I am so impressed. I mean, you are a seriously talented author, and believe me, I don't say that lightly. I can't wait to read more, please update soon!
mgouda chapter 3 . 5/2/2010
that was great!

the humor was constant and entertaining in this chapter- i really love reading your characters' voices.

i'm not sure about the ending, though. like, i didnt expect Patrick to realize what had really happened, or for Car to actullay blame it on DC- that was a surprise.

at first, i was thinking this would turn into some kind of love triangle, like Dose of Your Own- which really wouldn't be a bad thing, by the way- but now i'm not so sure. i can see how the story could go in that direction, though.

and i'm also interested to see how it's going to be a "making the band fic," 'cause those are always fun.

anyway, great job!
renegade01 chapter 2 . 4/29/2010
awesome chapter. carleigh is a great character. i'm loving this so far and i can't wait to read more. ;)
iiHEARTyuu chapter 2 . 4/29/2010
Wow, what an a'hole. That's heaps slack. If she was a freshman I'd kind of understand the whole kid thing and whatever. But she could be the same age as him or a year younger lol. That's heaps weird.

But yes, I'm enjoying this :) shall be heaps interesting to see what happens next (though we kinda know cos of the summary), but I wanna see how DC gets the blame etc. lol :)
renegade01 chapter 1 . 4/28/2010
interesting beginning. i'm loving the storyline already. i hope you update soon. ;)
mgouda chapter 1 . 4/27/2010
i'm loving this so far. :D

i really enjoyed your first story, and although i can see some similarities between the two so far, i think this one will be different in great ways. i like your main character's voice- light and fun- as well as the idea of the story itself. i can tell this will play out to be pretty awesome, something that's light and funny with a bit of drama. can't wait to see where this goes!
iiHEARTyuu chapter 1 . 4/26/2010
Awesome :) I can't wait to read this. Sounds like it'll be a fun story :)
MyNameIs-Madison chapter 1 . 4/26/2010
I already love this story .

It seems like it will be a very very good story .
Damned to heaven chapter 1 . 4/26/2010
I've just fell in love with this story. And DC Birch.

Do you update regularly?
GR4CKY chapter 1 . 4/25/2010
very intriguing for far :)
I Murder on Impulse chapter 1 . 4/25/2010
Hehehe very cute! I like it :D


palmsaresweaty chapter 1 . 4/25/2010
Interesting and I am intrigued...and ew she actually sat on the toilets in the boy's bathroom? Barf. What's her name? does she have a Kelsey like personality?
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