Reviews for The Best Deceptions
crazydaisyyy chapter 16 . 3/6/2016
crazydaisyyy chapter 9 . 3/6/2016
woohoo they got together!
crazydaisyyy chapter 6 . 2/29/2016
this chapter hehehe
Preposterous chapter 5 . 6/8/2012
I understand her mom's perspective. It's hard to move around all the time; she couldn't just uproot her life and find a new job every time her husband had to move.
Brightheart chapter 16 . 11/25/2011
i like the story. a lot. but i feel there were a some things left out. what happened to the dad? she decided to stay with her mom then? i would like 2 know about stephanie? there should be a sequel or at least an epilogue.
Kalilah chapter 16 . 7/6/2011
...again... to end it just there...

I can't imagine their relationship lasting in the future honestly. Can Casey maintain his arrogance in the future, in college? I wonder... and that's one of the characteristics that attracts Katie to him too... Oh well.

Desmond is such a cutie! XD I loved this part:

"A pajama-clad Dez let out a low whistle from behind us. "You look hot," he observed, before continuing on his way to his room.

"Dez, she's your sister," Kari teased.

"Wasn't talking about her," Dez called back."

That's probably my favourite part out of the whole story and right now Dez is my fave char :D Though Katie's dad comes a close second.
Lissya chapter 16 . 6/20/2011
i read 'Over You' a couple weeks back and adored it. Decided I'd check out a bit of your older stuff and, while I'll admit not to liking much of the very early stuff, I definitely enjoyed this one. Hope you continue writing. Good luck!
marlow421 chapter 16 . 1/7/2011
Such a great story! Cute and sweet. Nice ending! You're a terrific writer :)
marlow421 chapter 13 . 1/7/2011
Aww this is so sad. I can completely understand her anger toward her mom though and even though it's probably the mature thing to do, working through it and of course she probably will- I want her to not because mother's shouldn't abandon their kids and she should never have to forgive her. Her mom could find a new family but she couldn't contact her daughter? That's a world class bitch.

You're a terrific writer!
marlow421 chapter 8 . 1/7/2011
Ah so cute. Casey's such a sweetheart. Great story!
marlow421 chapter 6 . 1/7/2011
Adorable chapter! His sister is so cute. Nice steam :)
marlow421 chapter 3 . 1/7/2011
Great story so far! I like the military brat idea- it's a cute twist.
taintedLullaby chapter 16 . 1/1/2011
That was a really good story! I loved your characters and the plot. I would really love to see a sequel to this story since there are a lot of loose ends (I don't know if that is the best way to describe it). You can write multiple different stories based on the stuff that has yet to be resolved in this story. Like you could have a whole story about what happens to her and her dad as well as her and her relationship with her new family (specifically with her mom). Or you can do it on what is going to happen with Stephanie and/or other of Casey's groupies now that they are back together.(There could be a lot of jealousy hate directed towards Katie from the girls because they could consider her 'unworthy' since she had him once and "threw it away". There could also be lots a scheming to break them up and stuff). You could also do it set a a couple months in advance and show them trying to adjust to college life and what I would assume would sorta be a long distanced relationship between them. You could even write a sequel on Dez and Kari's relationship and stuff. Haha I guess you can tell that I really want a sequel, huh? Sorry about that my brain isn't working properly because I am really tired ( having three hours of sleep in two and a half days tends to do that). Anyways I just wanted to say that you did a really good job on this story, I really enjoyed reading it, and I would love for you to write another one. I will be checking and looking out for your other stories and based on what I have seen here they should be really good!
A. Akira chapter 16 . 12/29/2010
I read this story a couple of years ago. I stumbled upon it today and couldn't resist re-reading it. Despite knowing what would transpire, I was still completely engrossed. Katie's an easy character to relate to and her development throughout the story very smooth. I like the ending.

Was there an epilogue in the original? Where both Katie and Casey end up at the University of Chicago? Although it's quite possible that there was bi epilogue and it was just my imagination picking up where you left off and having them live happily ever after! :P
Greyback chapter 16 . 11/26/2010
Awesome sauce. Thanks for that. Will probably read Suicide Squeeze something or other in a while. lalala.
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