Reviews for You Belong With Me
Anthony Tesla chapter 1 . 1/7/2011
God, I FREKING LOVED IT! YES! I'm tired of all those fucking stereotypes, and just because someone is "nerdy", doesn't make him/her morally better than anyone else.

Great satire, I really enjoyed it!
Violet Sarblew chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
Utterly amazing. I LOVE that girl. As in, srsly.
Sally Balboa chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
HAHA! This is great!
JustAnotherNewbie chapter 1 . 9/26/2010
That was amazing! Even though I'm a massive fan, I loved it :)
Amy chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
"Did she wiretap his phone? And for your information, Tay, I get his humor. I get it. "That's what she said" jokes are not my cup of tea, but if you and Lucas have bonding moments over giggling fits anytime someone uses a sentence with the word "long" or "hard", then be my guest."

That's the most amazing line like... ever. I laughed out really loud :)

Great, mood lifting one shot. I loved it!
Caramel Latte chapter 1 . 6/12/2010
omg, i haven't been on fp for ages, and like the creeper i am (sorry)- i went on your site and saw this.

omg, i DIED. I couldn't stop laughing.

this is AMAZING.

I kind of actually dislike You Belong With Me, for most of the reasons you pointed out in the song (plus i HATE country) which probably wasn't the point of this, but that really made me want to read it.

Nor do I know very many cheerleaders with this character's...pizzaz, but i do feel bad for any as such that have to listen to that song.

Paige Cruz chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
Brilliant. :)

And oh wow, I dislike stereotypes.
I love reeboks chapter 1 . 4/29/2010
notveryalice chapter 1 . 4/29/2010
I don't listen to Taylor Swift at all, but you made my day.

Chopin? Brilliant.

On a more serious note, there's this idea that is pervasive in the U.S. in particular that everyone has a right to everything. By law, sure - all men are created equal. In actual fact, they're just not. People might be happier if they aspired to brilliance rather than *expected* it.

Sorry; went off on a tangent there. Favourited this piece. FP needs more satire.
R. Tist chapter 1 . 4/29/2010
The Twilight references were awesome. :"D And this story, too. XD Who doesen't like it when cheerleaders go on a jealous rant? No offence to any cheerleaders out there, but really, I can't help that I find enjoyment in other people's pain. Awesome story!