Reviews for Seared by Desire
Yami chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
Wow I did NOT see that coming. That whole Gabriel/Calder thing was unexpected. Alas we won't know more about them for awhile. I can't wait for your next installment. I'm curious to see who Kieron will be paired with. (This is me assuming the focus of this series is on elementals not vampires, or am I wrong?) ::sigh:: Now that this story is done I'm gonna have to search all of fictionpress for another story to read while you take a lil break. That's gonna be hard since I'll be comparing every story I read to one of yours lol
Cafana989 chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
I am sad to see another story finished but I loved this books as much as I have the wolf series!
Allimba chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
I will absolutely miss your stories! I hope the time off is very refreshing. Thank you!
Bubbly Girl chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
WOW! :) That ending was so AMAZING! :) You did such a great job on this story I can't wait for the next installment! :)

Peace, Love and Happiness! :)

~Bubbly Girl
FTDL chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
Wow! I am so happy! What an epic ending!

I honestly can't wait until the next story, I love your writing style.


Vivianna Valerius chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
omg omg omg i love I LOVE IT... its a differnt ending from your other stories but then the topic if differnt too, just as good tho. plz plz plz tell me there is anyother in the works you give me somthing to look forward to in the stressful weeks of classes :)

peace and love
CandyCoatedTeardrops chapter 1 . 10/18/2010
You do not know how excited and sad I was today from this story. Excited because as soon as school ended I rushed to the nearest computer. Sad from the story ending! I loved it and I just can not describe how Amazing your writing is! Though I wished the ending was longerand more descriptive ( I’m being bias from wanting more of the story ) Anyway, I can not wait until you start the next one,and I hope your creativity flows in full blast!
vaniittyy222 chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
Aww and they lived happily ever after. It is going to be a long month without your writing to bring me entertainment through the weeks. About the new story though, is it about elementals or vampires? Both would be very interesting as I would really like to know about Gabriel and his water spirit Calder.
Haybell chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
LOVED, LOVED,LOVED IT! THIS WAS AN AWESOME STORY! i can't wait for the next one!

Kieron... have we heard that name before? is this going to be a totally different person? Is that a girl or a guy? lol. If you want, i can help you with the summary. Just give me some of the plot and i'll help you write it! Maybe you coudl make it a contest. Whoever has the best gets the first chapter sent to them or whatever chapter you choose. it could be like a prize! :)) lol Sound like an idea?

HOpe you have a good two week vacation! Can't wait till your next story starts! Will it be a weekly update like this one?
CharlotteBradhadair chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
wow this was an amazing story - well done! :) i can't wait till the next story

NB-writer chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
Yeah, it's the end... but aw it's the end. I'm glad to see how it turned out, but that means the stories over. Boo.

Lovely story and I'm so glad I could read it. You're a good writer whose gotten great and is a step behind excellent. Your next story better blow me away, though I have no doubt it will.

Keep writing!
Tzotel431 chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
First off, I loved this story, it was amazing. Descriptive and filled with emotions. You are an excellent writer and I love everything that you have written!

I can't wait for the next story, and I can't believe you threw Gabriel and Calder at us when we know we won't be reading their story next! But that was pretty cool too!

Wonderful, absolutely wonderful.

Um, why two months for a summary? I'm here if you need me! Don't make us wait longer!

June's vampire chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
I'm so happy for them. Wonderful end, and great twists but could you please write an epilogue?
x.x buk wurm x.x chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
no, oh my god i cnt believe it finished! this story is amazing, cant wait for next story! i also love your wolf series too.
abmoreland chapter 26 . 10/18/2010
Wow, so sad to see it end. I just love Lucian and Sara so much. Glad he was able to save her and that they won. I like Gabriel and that he is inhabited by Calder brother to Seraphina. That was a cool twist in the story. Looking forward to whatever you have in store next.
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