Reviews for In the Amber Light
anita darling chapter 1 . 5/15/2010
Aw, I adore it!


Red Vs. Blue? That alone makes this story fully amazing. :D (And it was great other than that too, of course.)

I want an Elijah of my own. :'(

Anita. Xx
sappyromancelvr chapter 1 . 5/13/2010

Utterly adorable.
Alternate Ending chapter 1 . 5/13/2010
Aww this was so adorable with so many cute parts towards the second half. Your writing style is pretty good, I mean maybe some cleaning up a little, but I absolutly loved this. Elijah seemed like such a good-looking sweetheart :) And Lucy was well developed with her strengths and weeknesses etc. So anyway great job!
sandcastlesinthesand chapter 1 . 5/13/2010
okay, so i read this story and loved it.

then i looked at your username,...

and i was like why is that so familiar?

then i was like WAIT! is that catherine's tumblr?

and so i checked.

and it is.

and the weird thing is, i was thinking about you when i was reading it because i know you love vintage cameras and you posted that awesome website with the old cameras that were found.


sealednectar chapter 1 . 5/13/2010
Hey, this was really lovely and interesting. I enjoyed it a lot. I liked that you've made it so descriptive and realistic as well. Those old photos told such a sweet and heartbreaking story. That was creative. Elijah's proclomation of love was kind of sudden but I guess this is how it is in real life sometimes. I thought their conversation at the end could've been longer. Great job nonetheless. Keep writing.
PhenomenalSmile chapter 1 . 5/13/2010
OMG~! THIS ONE-SHOT IS AMAZING! D I'm totally in love with it, this story just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! YOUR AWESOME, I TOTALLY LOVE THIS!
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