Reviews for Ventures and Investments
thecowonthebox chapter 8 . 1/28/2012
Amazing ! Really !

You know, you should upgrate this story. M intead of T.

Like your story V&I ! It would be nearly perfect with 'smex' scene...

Thanks for the fast update ! You made my day !
jaskolka chapter 8 . 1/28/2012
Hurrah! Is it Christmas? Hanukka? My birthday? Since this chapter was one big fat present and with the sexy cliff hanger like that I can almost die happy now.


Oh, come on every slash lover knows that:

Tony Justin steamy shower outburst of repressed desire ecstatic fangirl

It's self explanatory. Yeah...

Now, on the more serious note, I enjoyed Tony's pronounced appearance and further insight into the duo's past. The more flashbacks we go through, the better is my understanding of the characters current situation.

I was surprised that Tony did not fully comprehend the strength of Justin's need for his father's approval and how Toroda's benevolent "taking care" of the less competent intern was perceived by the latter as condescending charity. From what I've read so far Tony appears to possess brilliant people skills and with the object of his long term obsession/infatuation he should have been all the more observant. Justin didn't want to be taken care of since it made him feel all the more as a burden. In the hindsight, there was really nothing that Tony could have done to save Plank Jr.

I also wonder when will you have Justin realize that Toroda is not only after revenge. He seems oblivious to the fact that Tony loved him in the past... Maybe some shadow of understanding will appear after the shower incident? Justin can't be that dense to go on without even a shadow of doubt.

Lastly, I love, adore, worship Tony's possessive nature and incapability of letting go of his old intern partner. His mind and heart are so messed up by this obsession that it is impossibly fascinating to watch it twisting him inside out. Grrr... more!
SassyGrl chapter 8 . 1/28/2012
I am so ecstatic that you updated! Yay! I love this story so much. I'm glad Tony kind of "confessed" hehehe Love them together. It looks like Tony has maybe always kind of loved Justin, right? Good work!

Please update asap!
Starryeyeddaydreamer9 chapter 8 . 1/28/2012
This story just gets better and better ! You really are a talented author, I love your stories lot !
amoxi chapter 8 . 1/28/2012
TONYYYYYY! I want to have your BABIES! *fangirl mode*

Seriously his parting words for this chapter left me feeling absolutely giddy (and more than impatient for the next chapter ahahaha). Especially the combination of both, "you're mine" and "I'll make you pay" leads to me building countless fantasies in my head on how Tony could 'punish' Justin for all his wrongdoings in the next chapter (like make Tony fall in love with him, deceiving him, sleeping with men just to get a rise out of his father, pushing away Tony time and again,...). *snicker*

I'm once more astonished at Justin's persistence. I really have to give that to him. If I were him, with my reputation at the job totally destroyed, and having people belittle him and walk all over him, laugh at his failures 24/7...I would totally have given up and looked for another profession (in another town just to be sure).

But there's a big sadness in this particular circumstance as well. It's so obvious how Justin wanted his father's attention all his life. It leads me to assume that he most likely wasn't given a lot of love and support in his doings in his childhood and that he always tried very hard to get his approval in what he did but most likely failed miserably. Even now he can't let go of his father's legacy and just walk away to start something he REALLY wants to do for once in his life.

*sigh* I just wish for him he would have had the guts to shit on his father's opinion (and money) and become a photographer or whatever...hahaha but if he would have done that he wouldn't be our beloved, pride-less sleaze ball Justin though ;)

Sometimes time jumps can totally annoy me. You know, like it's so exciting in the present right now and suddenly *boom*, you're a few years back. Damn. With your story it's even harder because the sequences about their past become so thrilling I dun want to go back to the present...if that makes sense at...all...

Anyway, my feelings jumped like that through this chapter: ohh exciting, damn this is good, yes nail him right there, ohh nooo not back to their youth, hahaha these two are so cute (all bickering), damn this disgusting sleaze-bag, please let Tony find out, ohhhhh gosh he gets all jealous and worried, nuhhhh not back to the present just when it was so promising...yadayadayada...shower sex! *faints*

To round out my longish comment: You'd really have to make an effort to mess up this story (like making the characters totally characterless or out of character, i.e. Justin becoming a sudden sparkling and adored genius). Please don't let something like expectations by the readers unnerve you. This is a great story with awesome, unique and likable characters. I love it!

Update soon!
Blue Devil012 chapter 8 . 1/28/2012
Things are getting hot! Is it steaming in here? ;D's steaming, LOL~ I can't wait to read more :) I really like the way this is unfolding, the characters are so passionate with their own attitudes that I can picture every one of them in every scene. (Not that I want to add pressure to you or anything!) But I really like this story so far :) The way you write is very enjoyable and, may I say, yummy to read
auel chapter 8 . 1/28/2012
Hi! 3 this story.. i wonder if justin will ever grow up and 'mature'.. and if he'll ever see tony's feelings for him?

btw just spotted something

"Gentleman," the man said, his back turned to them as they walked inside. "How nice you to come." Turning around, he appraised Tony and Justin as he crossed his arms. "Please, have a seat."

shouldn't it be gentlemEn?

keep it up! cant wait for more of your stories!
starryeyeddaydreamer9 chapter 6 . 1/27/2012
LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH ! Just checking for any updates ! I understand that you have little time to update ! But an update would make my day !
thecowonthebox chapter 7 . 1/26/2012
This is SO GOOD !

You made me laugh and cry ! I just can't wait for more !

Please, update soon :)
Starryeyeddaydreamer9 chapter 7 . 1/25/2012
I like this story so far ! Update soon!
J chapter 7 . 1/21/2012
This is so utterly AMAZING! I lovveeeeeeeeee it!

So good! I wonder what happened when Chris dragged Justin out! Eek! I wanna know!
Tania chapter 7 . 1/17/2012
Hi, You Rock! I mean it. Three of your stories I have read and one better than other. I am so impressed. Please don't bother yourself about the number of reviwes, because I can see your reviewers are very passionate about it which is much more important than the numbers itself. Please do upload soon. I loved that Justin has someone now. The fact that Tony was wronged doesen't justify him being such a git!
Anonymous chapter 7 . 1/15/2012
wow, this story is really addicting please update more :)
123abc chapter 7 . 1/15/2012
please update! :)
naomi chapter 7 . 1/13/2012
I read your Leviathan! story first (I saw the rec on The Slash Pile) and the comments mention this story and so I started reading it.

I'm loving it!

I like how Justin's dad made such a presence and impact in Justin's life (too bad it was mostly a negative one.) That part is realistic, we've all got childhood hangups due to our environment. I can really understand and sympathize with Justin, being underneath the thumb of a parent who really made their way in the world and have high expectations of their offspring.

Oh gosh, I like how there's going to be rivalry between Chris and Tony but I always feel bad for the person who loses in the love-angle. Dx

Tony and Justin have such history together... it's nice seeing the development of their relationship.

I'd also like to add that I think you're fantastic at knowing where to end a chapter. In Leviathan! and in Ventures and Investments, chapters end at such a poignant moment. I love it (even if that means a cliffhanger)!
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