Reviews for The Waking of a Dream
Humor Me Pink chapter 1 . 2/28/2018
This story is really excellent. It’s completely original, very well written and historical. It’s a shame it didn’t get more attention when you wrote it. I’m sure you could publish it.
Julietish chapter 1 . 8/31/2014
Hi! It's Juliet from A Drop of Romeo. When your story was featured on ADoR, this review was written for it: The Waking of a Dream could rightly be classified as historical or supernatural, but for me it is the mix of the two genres that makes the story so exciting to read.

The depth of historical research, planning and care than went into this story is remarkable. The author skilfully weaves together the separate strands of a gently convoluted plot to form a beautifully and detailed story of love, betrayal and loss between two time periods and between American Indians and local settlers.

But the story is also a supernatural thriller in which atmosphere is king. The past, the present, ghosts and curses are described with such skilled language and tone that I was quite literally frightened when reading the story at night. Morfiwien Greenleaf grabs you by the hand and leads you through haunted corridors, eerie forests and deserted graveyards until your spine tingles and you want to check over your shoulder.

Above all, however, this story is a romance. Maybelle and Jack are perfect for each other, but are barred from love by her father's insensitivity. Victoria and Will have undeniable chemistry, but are unwilling to act on it. Rachael and Jacob fall in love despite the curse that hangs over both their heads. For each character, love has the power to save them - from a curse, a cage or unhappiness.

I was thoroughly captivated by this beautifully written and well-rounded story. It is error-free and flows gracefully, leading me - and you - to a powerful and haunting finish that I know will stay with me - and you - for days.
The Phoenix Girl chapter 30 . 11/22/2013
Bravo! That was amazing! Great story :D
Guest chapter 1 . 8/25/2012
I like this. Your writing is fantastic.
Thulia chapter 30 . 6/30/2012
Your story is amazing. It felt so real and was so well written everything about it just shouted skill. There are many good stories on fiction press but many don't feel like your Reading an actual book. This story however did. It was amazing haunting heartbreakingly bittersweet and happy all at the same time. I'm kind of speechless and I don't want to keep repeating the word amazing over and over so I'm going to leave of right about here. Thanks for a great read.
Sydney chapter 30 . 6/27/2012
Wonderful! A breath of fresh air! I enjoyed this thoroughly. What talent you have. This was crafted wonderfully and it steered away from the cliche which seems to haunt this site; nevertheless, this is possibly one of the best fiction I have read on here. Keep writing!
friarhmn chapter 30 . 1/9/2012
This story was amazing! Your writing style is so suspenseful and thrilling.. And the
Clio1792 chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
Poor Maybelle Johnson...her father's a bully, and her only alterantive, Jack, does not seem to be completely trustworthy-and she doesn't really have any close girlfriends in whom she can confide, either, does she?

I like the way this chapter sketches out the main parameters of Maybelle's bad situation, as well as how trapped she feels-from the stifling heat of her summer clothes, to the way in which she may well be compelled into a marrieage to someone she doesn't love.

Great exposition,

Kira-Sakura95 chapter 10 . 7/7/2011
This is my 2nd or third time reading this and I have to say...Why the hell are there so little reviews? This surpasses most of the stories I've ever read on here, it might as well be a novel

Great Job :)
CassieLea chapter 30 . 8/10/2010
Oh mah gaawsh, I loved it. Absolutely and completely. I like the way-early 20th century setting, you don't read many stories based after the 1890's and before 1920. It was really good, the writing and the story was done well. I was crying, I was laughing, even mad and crazy at all the opportune times. Thank you for writing it, it was a great pleasure to read C: I expect that I will be talking "proper" for the next week or so. xD
jellybellyfavavaa chapter 2 . 8/8/2010
I am loving your story! I is written very well and I really enjoy all the sea creature references, it fits the beach-y feel quite well.
Emoshun15 chapter 30 . 6/24/2010
As I said before you are an amazingly talented author and I cannot wait to read your other books. Keep it up!
Rach chapter 13 . 6/6/2010
Ha! I never saw that coming! But I can sense the sparks flying between William and Victoria. Another great chapter!
rach chapter 3 . 6/5/2010
Great chapter and story!
MidnightSeaNymph chapter 30 . 6/1/2010
Fantastic. And wonderfully creepy in just the right points. One of the best stories I've read on here.
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