Reviews for Carson
HayleeBailey chapter 8 . 1/22/2012
Addicting story, just not really my thing. I find it to be written awkwardly. Some things just aren't making sense. If someone raped you, how could you fall for him? How could you feel anything but disgust for that person? If I lived with someone who had previously hurt me when I'm most vulnerable, sleeping, how could you cope seeing him without shackles on his wrists and a bullet proof glass between you? I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be a flamer, just not understanding your reasoning concepts.
ForeverTitianna chapter 3 . 12/2/2011
Honestly, this story is weird. I don't like the way it's written and there's not enough detail & suspense. But at the very same time I really like it and can't stop reading lol so I won't. I have a weird & contradicting fascination for it. It's going to be added to my favorites _
TheRiverRunsDeep chapter 11 . 9/18/2011
I don't know why I want her to be with him and for you to update! Please!
TheLonelyShe-Wolf chapter 11 . 9/14/2011
this cant be the end he has to come back for carson.[
TheRiverRunsDeep chapter 9 . 7/19/2011
Please, please, please, please, please, update soon!
TheRiverRunsDeep chapter 8 . 7/19/2011
Please update soon, I love it and I am excited for the next chapter!
TheLonelyShe-Wolf chapter 7 . 7/18/2011
update soon ]
TheLonelyShe-Wolf chapter 6 . 5/30/2011
What gonna happen next?
iNicole chapter 4 . 7/4/2010
when are you going to update? :(
J.M.Brooks chapter 5 . 6/21/2010
hey this is so good. jake is a man whore...kinda like jihad! lol u know i luv him girl. this story is crazy but soo good. why on earth does carson like jake? lux is maniplulative and jake is gullible but dats okay. keep it up sis!
iNicole chapter 5 . 6/21/2010
i like this story, it is pretty original, jake is pretty hot and everything but i do not like him, even if he turns out to be the best, nicest guy in the world, and falls in love with her, he still raped her, rape is rape no matter under what circumstances it happened and its a serious topic, i don't condone rape, and that is why i don't and wont like jake
GreenBean13 chapter 4 . 5/31/2010
Hey this story is going great. I have to agree in hating Jake but from your summary it sounds like maybe he would get nicer and just fall in love with carson. But great job!
Brolinshipper chapter 4 . 5/31/2010
i dont get it, i actually . . . well i dont likee jake, but i dont hate him . . . i mean he fucking RAPED her! How can i not hate him! Sorry, I don't mean to freak on you, but seeing as your the author, you could possibly understand. Anywho, it's amazing!
Brolinshipper chapter 3 . 5/26/2010
this is really good so far . . . i cant help but hate Jake, cus i mean . . . any guy who does that is o, okayy, getting mad. anyway, but its really good, andd sad. Please, update soon as you can
J.M.Brooks chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
hey this is really good. havent i read this story at your house though? maybe not but even if i have its really good. :)