Reviews for Big Apple I: Truth is
Destiny1406 chapter 13 . 3/10/2011
Holy shit! Ben is not going to like being bit by Albany... this could be interesting! Please update soon!
MiseryLovedHer chapter 13 . 3/10/2011
This chapter definitely made me tear- please update soon! That was a pretty heartrending cliffhanger! :')
Ck90 chapter 13 . 3/10/2011
Somehow I feel that Albany should not be the one to trust him. Please tell me she punched ben! but if it was Nik I am equally as happy with that!
mihaela chapter 13 . 3/10/2011
please update again soon
taylor057 chapter 13 . 3/10/2011
Oh my I hope you update asap I hate when the chapter ends and I have to wait for the next one. I want albany to kick bens ass lol.
charm en route chapter 13 . 3/10/2011
Oh! Oh! Go her! That's awesome. :)
crissy19 chapter 13 . 3/10/2011
good that she's finally putting her foot down!
Letyne chapter 13 . 3/10/2011
I love how albany stand up for herself! I think the is completly right

Thank you for this update
Lexy7432 chapter 13 . 3/10/2011
Yay u finally updated! Thank u! I loved it, nik ddnt have 2 b that anal about it though. But plz update asap. ;D
sneaky-fox chapter 13 . 3/9/2011
thank you, thank you, thank you so much for updating! :) this made my day!

Nik is such a bastard, I feel sorry for Albany she deserves a sweet mate not this evil wolf :( hopefully he will change and learn to understand her :)

again you are awesome!
violet-eyez chapter 13 . 3/9/2011
is she going to run away?
Tt24 chapter 13 . 3/9/2011
nik totally deserves that
charliej chapter 13 . 3/9/2011
Hey! Nice to hear from you and get a little update. Poor girl. Why are your males always such a** holes though? I always want to kick them where it counts! LOL
Midnight113 chapter 13 . 3/9/2011
Awesome, I can't believe she hit him... good for her. I can really sympathize with her character the way you write and express her emotions and feelings through this. Can't wait for more!
11cina24 chapter 13 . 3/9/2011



This is a lovely ending for a chapter, hahahaha.
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