Reviews for Strange Spaces
FallenCrest chapter 12 . 11/17/2013
Great story. Hope you continue this
dragxon chapter 12 . 4/16/2013
this story is awesome you have to update!
Apeirophobic Angel chapter 6 . 11/13/2012
oh my godd ray needs to go away lol
you can't just transfer for that without even talking to the other person about it firsttt
TheClosetWriter16 chapter 12 . 12/3/2011
:) Dont worry! I'm still reading!

Great chapter
mykes chapter 12 . 12/3/2011
I love this story so much. No really, when I reached the end of this chap I felt like crying because there weren't any more chapters. :'( I even tried to read really slowly to prolong it. I just love love love everything about this; the characters, the personalities, the drama, Sam/Nat's relationship, the rest of the girls (Irene, Lana, Carrie...), even Tim and Ray. Everything is just so nice and perfect. And I really really want Sam and Nat to get together now, yet the build up, slight angst, drama and cuteness between the two of them is just awesome. I'd love it if you updated! :)
LuxVenus chapter 11 . 11/22/2011
Carrie had light blue eyes last chapter...
LuxVenus chapter 11 . 11/22/2011
Carrie had light blue eyes last chapter...
SweetFangs chapter 12 . 11/18/2011
I was so surprised when I saw that you updated. I thought you just fell off the face of the Earth because of how long you were gone (... I don't even remember how long now but I know it was long hehe.)

Update soon pleeeeease?
Lucid Lune in Acoustic chapter 12 . 11/17/2011
Oh, I was definitely waiting. I have been since I devoured what chapters you did have in one sitting. I can hardly remember if I commented on every chapter but I know I meant to, it was just so difficult to stop reading. This was a phenomenal chapter; that date was painful, Carrie was fantastic as usual though her timing could have been a little better. I hope she doesn't feel torn between the delicious Sam and the boring Ray, whom I do not hate even though it may sound that way. I just hated the presumptuous "reunion kiss".

I am now eagerly awaiting another chapter. I have recently found myself in a bit of a Love Thing and so I am loving this all the more for the similarity.
Lucid Lune in Acoustic chapter 11 . 10/29/2011
Carrie must think Natalie is gay or at least bisexual, I would be good with either. As long as Nat and Sam hook up and have a huge lesbian family! I am getting way ahead of myself, I know, as they have yet to even kiss but I can see it happening. It seems only a matter of time before they do. I just hope Sam doesn't try to treat Natalie the way she does all the other girls. That poor blonde, which Sam seems to really like blondes, in the beginning, I felt so bad for her. Mainly because Sam knew she was the clingy sort and she slept with her anyway.

Nattie, that is such a cute nickname, I adore Ray for that. And I hope Natalie figures herself out sooner rather than later so that he doesn't get hurt, because his feelings for her are so obvious. I do not see their situation going well. For a time at least.

Oh, I hope you update soon. _
Lucid Lune in Acoustic chapter 10 . 10/29/2011
Not at all, but are you planning to finish it? I am a bit of a Sam-Nat fiend now and I fear I may never get another fix after I read the next (last posted) chapter.
Lucid Lune in Acoustic chapter 9 . 10/29/2011
I love it, I really, really do! (Imagine me singing and you've got the picture.)
Lucid Lune in Acoustic chapter 8 . 10/29/2011
Aw, Tim is so oblivious! It's cute in a puppy-dog-following-her-home way, you know, because he will not be getting in. I think, hope, pray. I loved this chapter from start to finish, especially when Natalie compared their day at the mall to a cheesy chick flick. Made my morning for whatever reason.
Lucid Lune in Acoustic chapter 7 . 10/29/2011
Lol, I adore Irene, from her name to her pajamas, she is just amazing. She reminds me of myself when I'm having an Up day, I love it.
Lucid Lune in Acoustic chapter 6 . 10/28/2011
Oh, damn, Ray. She broke up with you, which does NOT mean you follow her to school. She went away to school for a reason, surely, one of which could have been to get away from you. I can understand her being stifled, especially if this is not the first time Ray has done something so impulsive as to transfer schools.
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