Reviews for Provenance II: Still Alive
lovebookz chapter 12 . 11/11/2011
i know spanish so when u wrote "Siempre le hacía daño" i think u were trying to say siempre le haces dano...great chapter i love it and glad u updated i was like dancing and squaling when i saw u updated this story :)
TheSweetAngel18 chapter 12 . 11/11/2011
omg i love evi now! b4 i didnt like her cuz she was an annoying brat from the other story. but now that she really cares for Georgia that just warmed my heart to her. n why cudnt she go to the pack that they visited on the way down? that wud have kept her close n with this new aunt that is emotionally a hard ass...that isnt good for kids growing up. they need some love n tenderness. or else who knows how messed up shes going to be. :(
Ck90 chapter 12 . 11/11/2011
I feel bad for Evie! And i jsut wanted to get the technical review out of the way... In spanish it would be tu mataste a nuestro padre, if you sy que mato padre. It would say what killed father...
ILveJcb chapter 12 . 11/11/2011
Wow, he's quite selfish isn't he? I don't think that's a good enough reason to get rid of his sister though..

I'm glad she is finally sticking up for herself but ken scares even me!

The only thing I don't like is the fact it finishes so quickly. I can't wait for the next chapter! Please update soon!
sodapop776 chapter 11 . 11/6/2011
Thought you might want to know its chapter 11 and you named it chapter 12
littlegirlblood chapter 12 . 11/5/2011
This is probably my favorite story of yours, though I do love all the others. There's just something about Kennie that's so interesting to read about. That "the bigger they are, the harder they fall" type of appeal. Lol. I'm excited to see how you continue to balance his past issues (and there are a lot of them) with his gradual growth. It's definitely going to be a challenge, since he still has to be the Kenneth we all know and love, but throughout the course of the story we also have to be able to root for him, to find something redeemable in him. If you make him too soft, then he ceases to be himself. But if you make him too hard and jaded, then it'll be impossible to invest in his character and their relationship, because we have to be able to care for him in order to root for him.

But so far, I think you're handling things very well. I especially love the last two chapters. They didn't feel rushed, and I understand how Georgia could regress a bit here and there, but I do hope you keep on making her stronger and less submissive.

One thing though, Danielle has to go. It's time, I feel. Hehe. Preferably by Kennie telling her to go away or something (because I'm vindictive like that:P). I just think she's outstayed her welcome. She's certainly not any sort of threat because wolves are inherently monogamous, passionately monogamous, so I don't really see any reason why he would deign to do her, when he could be doing his mate who's already with him. She's just an extremely annoying non-issue cluttering up their relationship. I have a feeling that majority of Kennie and Georgia's problems will revolve around his over-possessiveness and fear of betrayal, rather than his ex, who I'm pretty sure didn't mean anything beyond a warm body and possibly a bit of companionship.

Btw, will we be seeing more of Alex?

Can't wait for the next update!
sodapop776 chapter 8 . 10/30/2011
I can't wait till someone slaps some freakin sense into Danielle!

Not that I think that would help her anyway...
DarkAngel830 chapter 12 . 10/16/2011
omg I really love this chapter! Maybe for the next chapter you could have georgio take charge? Set the rules like Marilein did with her mate!
Ginger2526 chapter 12 . 10/15/2011
Okay so I totally love the first story and this one, but you're not totally consistent. Like in one chapter she already met Phoebe babies, but in this last chapter she hasn't met the kids yet. I'm confused! There's kinda a bunch of these. Like in this chapter she cowers but she totally kicked ass and stood up to Ken.

Well all that aside, albeit as confusing as it gets. I still love this story and I'm just sitting on the edge of my seat for the next chapter!
Sara chapter 12 . 10/8/2011
Wow, i hadn't checked this for an update in forever. Anyway, i love this chapter, how Georgia and Phoebe catch up and how Georgia reverts back to being panicky around Ken. I hope she get's braver soon though, like in the last chapter where they get into a fight and she makes him chase her. that was cute. Anyway, i like this sweet Ken, although i wonder what he's thinking. Might do something from his POV? anyway, i really hope you update soon!
kylen chapter 12 . 10/8/2011
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, I really liked this chapter. I would like see more chapters. I am interested to see where this is going and such, there wasn't plot in this chapter but their relationship was interesting. They need to sort things out. I want to see the rest of the stories. Please update. This is a good story. Who was the random stranger who knew his name. The werewolf pack reminds me a small mafia. I hope you update soon, great story. Thank you!
darkgurl92 chapter 12 . 10/3/2011
Why is Georgia back to her old self..a little..? take control give him a chase and hopefully he'll respect her more.

i like this ken not violent. :)

glad ur back to updating..

update soon :)
Letyne chapter 12 . 10/1/2011
Thanks for updating
akaCHEEKS chapter 12 . 9/28/2011
Haha, she still has no idea how to react toward him huh? Maybe that's why he's so aggressive when it comes to her because she's just so passive that it makes it easy to bully her around. Ken seems like the type of guys who wants a woman to stand up to them before they start giving her respect. Then again, a man should always respect a woman no matter what. But eh, Ken was raised with the idea that wolves are better than humans. So I guess.

You had a couple of grammar mistakes on this chapter. Some words are supposed to be written past tense but you're using a present tense, etc. I had an example to show you from your writing but right now I gotta run to class. Your story just sucked me in that I had to leave a comment real quick.

Till the next chapter!
apple chapter 12 . 9/28/2011
I am sssssooooo HAPPY that you started updating again. You are still amazing and talented with your stories and I can't wait for the next chapter in any of your stories. Hope everything is going ok in the personal life.
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