Reviews for New Students
Scarlettt chapter 1 . 9/10/2013
I just finished reading the whole story! Few stories made me cry and this one actually did! Tbh it was one of the best stories iv ever read!
Scarlettt chapter 55 . 9/10/2013
I just finished reading the whole story! Few stories made me cry and this one actually did ! tbh it was one of the best stories iv ever read ! 3
Scarlettt chapter 40 . 9/9/2013
Aww i just love this !
vyhvbjnkl chapter 56 . 5/18/2013
Why would you let Matt die? Why? Like yftuvigbonkl;lki
linheatsrice chapter 56 . 3/28/2013
This is a beautiful story. I lost count of how many times I was brought to tears, but you did a wonderful job portraying the characters and their emotions. Your story is by far the best I've ever read. Keep up the amazing work.(:
Robin chapter 11 . 9/7/2012
I like how the main character hates making eye contact. I personally abhor making eye contact when I know it's going to be awkward. Usually in stories, the two main characters engage in this intense stare down full of lust and intentionally seek the attention of the other and I'm always thinking in the back of my mind, "nooooooooooo" that never happens! And I always cringe internally when I read that because if it was me, I would quickly glance away without acknowledge the eye contact LOL. For some reason I find it uncomfortable and awkward like Ava.
Oh and I was having second thoughts of starting this story because it's freaking long but I personally really enjoyed your other story "blame the neighborhood cat" so I decided to give this a shot and commit to it, and so far I am enjoying this story :)
Charlotte chapter 56 . 8/18/2012
Hello. I would just like to say that I absolutely love your story. I have laughed and cried and I fell in love with your characters. Thank you so much for writing this story. You have a lot of talent and I sincerely hope that you will go far one day.
Champagne Bubbles chapter 56 . 1/3/2012
This is such a beautiful story, and it brought me to tears. And I only cry in the stories that are the best. And then when I reached the end of the page, there was an advertisement on weddings, and I was like 'GAH! TOTAL COINCIDENCE!' And I just melted right there. :)
Van Quatra chapter 56 . 11/28/2011
this is a beautiful and well thought out story. yuo did a wonderful job. pure awesome.
witeaya chapter 56 . 7/19/2011
gsell16 chapter 56 . 6/20/2011
I love this story! I read it all in a few days and couldn't stop reading. Ben and Ava are so cute together and they have a very realistic relationship. Also, I cried when Matt died. :) Very good!
claire Elizabeth chapter 35 . 6/10/2011
Omg This Is SOOOO Sad I Crys At This I Love Matt
The Imagination Addict chapter 48 . 5/18/2011
the dream about matt is rather unrealistic, i think, but it's very touching. the main bit that's unrealistic is her asking him if it's a dream n how he is. i think the dream should have been set pre-death. a more subtle way to try to achieve closure through the dream might be her just telling him she loves him, and him replying the same. just that would be quite touching too.
The Imagination Addict chapter 45 . 5/18/2011
wow i like the way u wrote ava's recount. it made me tear a little, with the slight detachment brought about by the lack of names yet the intense emotions involved.
The Imagination Addict chapter 44 . 5/18/2011
OMG what a way to end. i cant imagine if i poured my heart out into writing only to find out some random person would be reading it!
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