Reviews for A Modern Fairytale of Sorts
LondonLi chapter 2 . 12/29/2012
Wow, that was quite a revision. I always loved this mini-universe and I like the layers you added to it with this addition. I wish we could have seen into Micah's head, though, if you ever add another perspective! Thanks so much for posting.
Pseudonym59 chapter 2 . 12/28/2012
Gah, this is fantastic. YOU'RE fantastic. I love these characters so much. Cal, who unconditionally loves and gives. Micah and how he changes throughout the years. Jenna and her 'clinginess'. Jonas, even though I hate hate hate how he tried to keep Cal from remembering. :)

This was great. :)
Pseudonym59 chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
I really love this. :) Especially the last prompt. Hehe.
ReadingForKicks chapter 1 . 12/2/2011
I think my favourite story on here. It's sweet and innocent and the subtle changes in Micah are great :) I think you should write a spin off with them as new parents, I was just wondering though how old is Micah? And Jonas isn't mentioned much in the end ? Xx
dee chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
I like it. First I confuse about anything. But after second read, i understand everything. I guess I'm not familiar with your writing type.

Thank you.
Gah chapter 1 . 6/3/2011
Oh, nvm. Saw ur bio. Can u please email the rest to me at ? once again, I would be eternally grateful.
Gah chapter 1 . 6/3/2011
So this isn't a review of this story, it's actually about your other story family lies. You deleted it. I had just finished chapter six. And I'm interested in the story but it's gone. Could you please re post it? I would be eternally grateful.
Kjersti chapter 1 . 4/15/2011
Very sweet story. I loved it. :)
phelps 112 chapter 1 . 10/19/2010
this one was cute. I really liked it, especially the last two lines! fluffy and sweet
whitehibiscus chapter 1 . 8/2/2010
i love this. Really, I DO !
LondonLi chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
Loved this one! Great version of the fairytale and the drabble format really works. You created some great characters!
shutterbaby chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
I love this one. It's not exactly romantic to think about domestication and vomiting on waiters' shoes but it's a great love story nonetheless.