Reviews for Lara & Aylen
Lee93 chapter 17 . 5/27/2018
This was great. Thanks!

I would have liked a little more at the end about Lara and Aylen going back to the Blue Forest and settling down. Also, would've liked to see Jon's reaction to Lara's letter.

Nonetheless, I really enjoyed this. Hope you write more in the future!
Mina chapter 7 . 5/20/2014
Your storys are always the best!
breakthehabit chapter 17 . 9/18/2012
Bravo. :P Hope to see more stories by you soon. ;P
breakthehabit chapter 13 . 9/18/2012
I think that knife is poisoned. o_O Anyways. At the end of today I had a really bad day. D: I basically got told by someone who knew who I liked that "my kind of love" will not last. He was so convinced he was right he said don't be offended, it's a known fact. A fact. I really hate this society sometimes. Reading this made me feel a bit better. Thanks.
breakthehabit chapter 10 . 9/16/2012
Is it bad that I love the Night Walkers? :P Awesome chapter. I decided to read this last one before going to sleep. :P The title drew me in. xD
breakthehabit chapter 8 . 9/16/2012
Aww. These guys are cute. :D Did I mention I liked the scene in the first chapter, where Lara called Aylen cute? :P :D I like how Aylen's so bold. xD Going to bed soon. :X Hopefully I'll have enough time to read one more chapter
breakthehabit chapter 4 . 9/16/2012
Hmm. Interesting. 20 years or so sounds about right for the age of these guys.
breakthehabit chapter 3 . 9/16/2012
I'm guessing Jon is Lara's brother. That's all! :P
breakthehabit chapter 1 . 9/16/2012
o_O I kinda knew that was going to happen.. D:

Anyways, yay! Another awesome story by you! :D Can I say I love you for writing Tiger Lily? I love your pen name and the names you pick for the characters. Later!
30waystokillapineapple chapter 1 . 7/5/2012
Jeez, how sad. Poor Aylen.
SweetFangs chapter 16 . 6/21/2012
Why would the Mongor surrender? They had been destroying so many villages and people for years. Why would they surrender just because they've failed to take over this one?

These last chapters feel rushed in my opinion. It feels like you're trying to just finish the story because you don't want to leave it unfinished, which I guess that's what you are doing, but it still doesn't feel... right.
SweetFangs chapter 14 . 5/12/2012
It's been so long since the last time you've updated. Strange, I thought I've put this on alert...

In this chapter, you have this one weird part, "He thought stay indoors". Did you mean "he though about staying indoors" ? Because that part didn't make sense. But I'm so glad you've updated. I'm running out of things to read...
FantasyReader chapter 13 . 5/3/2012
Your writing is as good as ever! I'm sorry I haven't reviewed lately-haven't had much time to read anything not school-related, lol. I'm glad that you have kept writing in my absence! I was pleased to come back to two new chapters! Good work!
rsDragon chapter 13 . 3/3/2012
Fascinating story! :D
Guest chapter 12 . 12/24/2011
Oh my, I hadn't expected that. Brilliant.
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