Reviews for Moonlight's Wild Rush
Intoxicated Dreams chapter 4 . 6/30/2010
I like Sam she does seem like the mothering type very gentle and loving just what Nicky needs. The others seem I don't know okay I don’t really have a feel for them yet being that they were just introduced. Daniel however, seems like he could be a complete sweetie just from his actions towards Nicky. I'm glad to see that everyone at least made an effort to be nice and gentle toward Nicky. It seems completely out of their characters though I don't know why it just does. Anyhow, I wonder if they have a clue as to what actually happened to Nicky in his past. Probably not they aren't mind readers or anything I don't even know why I freaking asked that lol. So yeah where was I oh yeah Everett I'm guessing he's the alpha as well as Nicky's number one fan. I suppose I'll end my comment here before I go on rambling nonsense.
Poptart Guava King chapter 4 . 6/30/2010
aw Nicky!

lol Everett, Daniel, and Hall are the only one's I can really say made an impression on me. Then the twins (who's names I can't remember right away) and then I remember the name Ty but idk who that is. And who is Bary? lol, oh well, i'll get a hold of it all eventually...
Esquirella chapter 3 . 6/29/2010
I like this!
Shadyotter chapter 3 . 6/29/2010
so far this is really great, its nice to find a character who isnt perfect :)
Poptart Guava King chapter 3 . 6/28/2010
AW DEH BEBE. I sorta kinda love him. :P Poor Nicky, he's been through so much and now a bunch of strangers won't let him leave. I'll be looking forward to the next~ :)
Intoxicated Dreams chapter 3 . 6/28/2010
Oh, gosh I'm most definitely intrigued. Seriously I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for another update. You don’t know how sad I was when I finished chapter three lol. I SO wanted there to be more. Nicky geezers I just want to give him a huge hug. I bet he could use one anyhow, I like Samantha she reminds me of someone just can't put my finger on it as of yet. So yeah you're doing an awesome job with this story so far.
dreamercrys chapter 2 . 6/25/2010
Interesting... Can't wait for more!
DRAGONFIRE04 chapter 2 . 6/24/2010
PLEASE UPDATE SOON. I the story can't wait ubtil the next chapter.
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