Reviews for At Long Odds
MmmKayy chapter 44 . 7/2/2010
I really enjoyed this story. I was up past 3 o'clock in the morning because I wanted to finish it all in one go. All in all, it was so well written that I don't really have any questions or critiques except for one: Did Julien mean that he wanted to get married or just do the nasty, which I am assuming is what Caspian was seeing them do?

Now, because you have a wonderful story on you hands, I find in really upsetting that you only have 7 reviews to show for it and I'm pretty sure I know why. In the story's title you wrote that At Long Odds was being republished. Does that mean you had already posted it up on Fictionpress before? If that is the case, then you probably already know what I'm going to say. If not, then I will try to say this quickly.

The reason you don't have as may reviews as you deserve is because you haven't given Fictionpress readers enough time to pick up on the fact that you have written a story. You managed to post a 44 chapter long story in only 7 days. While I will admit that this is an amazing feat and I wish I could do something like that too, this also means that you haven't allowed your story and your name to be seen enough times at the very top of the Fictionpress romance page. The more you post, the more you story and name will show up and thus you get more readers, reviewers, and good quality feedback.

Another thing that may be putting readers off is that you have such a huge story and so few reviews. It isn't always right, but for many, their first conclusion will be that this story isn't worth their time. Which, of course, is 100% off base!

So my suggestion to you is take down this story. Leave up the first 2-4 chapters (because the amount of reviews that you have now are best suited to a story in its earliest progression) and start to update and add chapters more slowly. Like once a week, twice at the most. Give time for your readers to salivate and ponder and hunger for your story. Don't be afraid to give it even more time than that because I know when people are looking for something good to read, they are willing to click "next page" 100 times to find it. However, try not to leave it too long. Nothing can kill my love for a story stone dead like a 2 year absence. No only do your readers no longer remember your story, but they will never forget that you left them hanging and may not be willing to forgive you for that.

So again, my advice to you is to take down more than 90 percent of your story and post it more slowly. Nothing builds up Fictionpress popularity better than time and a really good story. You've already got the second half down :) Oh! and if you do plan on doing this, don't forget to tell your current readers what your planning or what just happened to the 40 chapters they could have sworn were there. Just make a note of it at the top of the first chapter you re-post and I'm sure they'll understand. This theory should be applied to all of the stories you post on Fictionpress. I don't think you'd have any trouble posting up Designer Genes while taking time to re-post At Long Odds because you said it was a "almost" sequel and as long as your not making any great sweeping references to what what happened in ALO you should be fine. But if you are worried, don't be afraid to stop, slow, or hold production on the sequel or even warn people off and tell them to read ALO first haha.

Well, that all I've got ;) I hope you take my advice because I would LOVE to see this story do well and for you to do well as an author because of it. But if you think I'm completely off base, I understand. And if I sounded even a little bit patronizing or snobby, please know that was not my intention. Good luck and I can't wait for your future stories! (Well, actually I can wait. A little time never killed anyone)(Sorry this is so long)
silver-stain chapter 44 . 7/2/2010
End? So soon?

I love it anyway ;)

I'm glad that Ginny got her happy ending :D

Come back to us quickly with another story! ;)

Caroline202 chapter 44 . 7/1/2010
Awesome story, loved it! Btw, at the end, did he mean getting married or did i completely get the wrong end of the stick?

Can't wait to read the other story you talked about :-)
metallicdiamond chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
really confused on where this story is based, and the term 'you even speak like a south african now'?
CoryD chapter 30 . 6/28/2010
OK - I have a theory on the lack of reviews. Everyone is so astounded by the quality of the story they are left speechless. I mean - horses, romance, mystery, racing...what's not to like?
CoryD chapter 24 . 6/27/2010
Great story. I love the way you built towards her discovery of both Mark's deception and the fact that Julien isn't evil.
silver-stain chapter 24 . 6/27/2010

I have no idea why nobody is reviewing this story?

I found your story yesterday and i'm absolutely mesmerized!

can't wait for another chapter,

i'm with you girl!

take care,

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