Reviews for At Long Odds
QuirkyGurl chapter 37 . 12/9/2011
Just powered through this today. Very excited for an update.
DayDreamer99 chapter 37 . 12/8/2011
Noooo Ginny! U should trust Julien! He wont hurt u! Yyyyyy? I hope Ginny can open up 2 him. Hehhee wat an amount of progress. Yay they finally kissed! Im sho happy. I rly hope that she doesnt push him away anymore tho. It wuz almost unbearable 2 read that :( Thanx so much 4 updating! :D
Anehalia chapter 37 . 12/8/2011
Poor Sequella! That sounds just like a racehorse though. They are too stupid to realize that they are injured, or they realize it, but they don't want to stop running. Poor Ginny. I can understand why she can't trust Julian.
peaches chapter 2 . 12/8/2011
this actually quite reminds me of pride and prejudice.

finally he grew some balls and planted one on her!

but whyyyyyyy did she leave! she needs to go back.
Beeni chapter 37 . 12/8/2011

again i will say, the last part was amazing.

i think i cried a little in the beginning. Sequella...

i loved/hated this chapter... She died! noooooo

but then they kissed... YES!

and then she ran away, which i sort of expected her to do. i mean she hasn't really had a smooth run in the relationships corner so far...

i hope she figures this whole thing out. i mean, there WILL heaps of awkward tension after THAT kiss...

ohhh Julian. i must say, i sort of love him right now. the guy as a way of going about things... he's so emotional and forward. :D

once again, GREAT CHAPTER!

Kouma the AQH chapter 37 . 12/8/2011
Awww ): Sequella. /3
DayDreamer99 chapter 37 . 12/8/2011
Noooo Ginny! U should trust Julien! He wont hurt u! Yyyyyy? I hope Ginny can open up 2 him. Hehhee wat an amount of progress. Yay they finally kissed! Im sho happy. I rly hope that she doesnt push him away anymore tho. It wuz almost unbearable 2 read that :( Thanx so much 4 updating! :D
flunkybubbleshorts chapter 37 . 12/8/2011
What! Why did she run awayyy? *wails*

I was feeling so happy for them because he came and lent his support and now it's all angsty between them again :(

You sure are putting them through an emotional roller coaster!

Waiting for the next bit..
peaches chapter 36 . 12/2/2011
so much unresolved sexual tension...

they need to get together.

they're perfect.
Beeni chapter 36 . 12/2/2011

that has got to be one of the best chapters in regards to the progression of their relationship! I loved this chapter to bits! I hope that was enough apologising for their relationship to be stable again. I mean, it's about time they made some progress!

I'm so happy her car broke down, you have no idea. :)

Great chapter as always! Can't wait for the next update!

Please update soon! I must see the outcome of this.

Beeni. :)
DayDreamer99 chapter 1 . 12/2/2011
when they c each other next time. Sry my previous review got cut off. My phones acting all weird. Excited 4 the next chapter! :)
DayDreamer99 chapter 1 . 12/2/2011
when they c each other next time. Sry my previous review got cut off. My phones acting all weird. Excited 4 the next chapter! :)
DayDreamer99 chapter 36 . 12/2/2011
The sexual tension is building up! Heh this chapter wuz rly cute. Im glad she and Julien made up. It wuz adorable when they were acting like a couple for a second there. Its going 2 be awkwad
flunkybubbleshorts chapter 36 . 12/2/2011
There you go! There was conversation in this chapter :D

It was a really nice chapter. All that interaction between them.. and all the tension! I can't wait for the next time they meet :)

Poor Julien, not knowing what to do! And poor Ginny... she's so lost after everything that has happened. I hope they work it out soon :)

Thanks for the reply earlier. It's nice to interact with authors of the stories I love :)
Anehalia chapter 35 . 11/28/2011
I knew it couldn't be Julien, but I was sincerely starting to believe maybe it was. I thought Charlie called her to threaten her. I am kind of glad Charlie wasn't a complete jerk of a guy (only slightly a jerk). Anyway, glad to see more up. :)
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