Reviews for All I Ever Wanted
Guest chapter 13 . 9/24/2021
This was such a cute story! I loved having Carlos' inner thoughts as he delved into a brighter world after coming out. I really felt for Kendall during the break up scene and I liked the retrospective dialogue from Carlos as he was packing up the car. Loved it!
Johnny Valentine chapter 1 . 9/7/2010
A fantastic piece of bio literature, especially coming from such a young writer. How he perfectly encapsulates the feelings of lonelines, missunderstanding, lust, fear and rejection, all typical of the teenage years. Begininning with the powerfull and convinced line ''I'm Gay'' the novel progresses through the diverse stages of beeing gay and an adolescent up into; the cruel realisation that one doesnt always have to be the rejected, but the one who rejects. My favorite chapters include chapter 1, 3 and 13 where the writer emphasies his decisive actions, attitude and emotions. A must read for any gay teenager and not only.
Crystalynn chapter 13 . 8/31/2010
Hurray! I got a shoutout! :D

I so enjoyed reading this, that I'm thinking of writing my own story! If I do I will surely send you a link! Mine is a very um... unique experience, to say the least. I often have people stare at me, openmouthed for many minutes after finally admitting the truth about my current fiance! XD

Anyway, about the story. I was very impressed with how you handled writing honestly about what must have been a very challenging time for you. You weren't biased, is what I'm trying to say. You didn't paint Kendall as a villain or yourself as some kind of hero or innocent victim. But rather owned up to your own mistakes and presented your story with a very level-headed, professional approach. That is VERY impressing, to say the least.

I'd like very much for us to be friends. :) Maybe you could PM me sometime or take a look at and review some of my work? I have a secret account, where I will be posting my own true story, and I'd like very much for you to have access to it since you are its inspiration.

Hoping most fervently to hear from you,

Um.Ok chapter 13 . 8/27/2010
Aw, It's over. I'm sad. But it was great so, yeah, still happy.
Britania Vance chapter 13 . 8/27/2010
Aw "Carlos"! Can't wait for more stories, even if they are fictional (because, hey, fictional stories are fun too!) so whenever that happens I'll be commenting on those too. And hey, maybe I'll write something? After all, I do have an account now.

I'll always be here for you "Carlos" and I get to see you tomorrow :D


bridgettblah chapter 13 . 8/26/2010
Teehee! Good luck at school!
bridgettblah chapter 12 . 8/26/2010
This is so sad! Poor Kendall! Aw \ I Love you though! So yea! On to the next chapter..
Britania Vance chapter 12 . 8/26/2010
Oh man, the clincher. The song fits really well and the way it's inserted gives this scene a sort of dream-like quality. one line did really get to me, though: "That's the thing about relationships: you need both hearts on board, and the moment one checks out is the moment that the relationship is over, whether you realize it or not". It really gets me in more ways than one (and you'll know why). But what I'm wondering is will there be an epilogue? This chapter was sad but we all knew it was going to happen, which makes it it's own kind of sad. Either way, great job with this chapter, love.
bridgettblah chapter 11 . 8/22/2010
Aw! I love you! Ugh. Poor thing. I love the way you write, by the way. Wow. So, update soon, kay? I love you! lol
Britania Vance chapter 10 . 8/22/2010
The beginning of the end ;/ Or was that a few chapters back? Either way, this just got even sadder and even more serious. Like the commenter before me, I also like the last line a lot. Really sets the mood for what happened and how you're feeling/felt(?). I'm starting to feel bad about this all over again! D:

Things will look up though, we'll see
bridgettblah chapter 10 . 8/21/2010
Thats horrible \ Really, I love the way you write, its amazing Especially the last sentence.

"Instead I just sat there, listening to myself breathe, with every exhale mourning the death of my first relationship."

Ah shivers xD Update son cause I hate not knowing how this is gonna end. I love you xD
bridgettblah chapter 9 . 8/15/2010
Akward \
Yereanth16 chapter 8 . 8/4/2010
I love your story, I like how it has a plot and how its not just sex sex and more sex but actually focus on things and I feel myself wondering, crap what will happen with the Kendall stuff? and will we see Logan again? What will Carlos do again? and I find myself visualizing what hes saying. Thanks for such a great story_

Crystalynn chapter 8 . 8/4/2010
D: Oh no!

How can you leave us hanging like this! You must update soon or I may implode!
Crystalynn chapter 7 . 8/4/2010
I love this quote

"with the truth, you don't have a choice of where the story goes."

It really spoke to me.

but you know, I write fiction, and as it turns out, you really don't have much of a choice with that either. XD Don't know if you've ever dabbled in fiction before but there is a set plot and it's almost as if the characters come to life and tell you what you HAVE to write. Once they have a personality that's it. Once the ball starts rolling it can't be stopped. I have had readers complain that I killed their favorite character or that "those two don't belong together" and I have to stop and explain.

"Believe it or not, I don't control the story. They do."

But I think that's what makes a good story. Once it becomes so believable that even the author cant change it. It has a life of its own, so to speak, and even I dont know what'll happen next!

And I think that's a huge part of why your story is so good. Manipulating the ending to make it sappy would ruin the whole thing!

Anyway excellent work, as usual.
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