Reviews for World Cup Fever
xEchoxInfernox chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
Lol, awesome!
PenguinLover33 chapter 1 . 1/12/2014
This is really cute
KoreanNinja chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
infinite101 chapter 1 . 7/4/2012
This is a great one-shot D it'd brilliantly written and i love the football theme D
theKnobblyKneedWriter chapter 1 . 4/24/2012
Ahhh omg amazing
Britt chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
Oh i died all over again..that moment the netherlands lost was the worst moment of my entire life. I'm dutch and i really liked the story but ouch!
SwimmingThroughExistance chapter 1 . 12/4/2011
wow! i loved this one! write more oneshots please!
Ashara chapter 1 . 11/2/2011
Awesome actual game was pretty breathtaking too and I think I was pretty hoarse by the end from all the all the way.
youngin-matomon chapter 1 . 9/27/2011

Finally! Did anyone ever ask you if you always were a Spain fan or just since last year? I HATE it when they do that.

Casillas is my husband just so you know. I know. I'm so lucky.

Anyways, writing was okay, characters were okay, story was okay, but I actually just liked it because of the whole World Cup 2010 Spain win. Ahhh :') I cried so much that day.

In happiness, in happiness.
non.graceful chapter 1 . 9/26/2011
Although the beginning was a bit boring, the ending was completely cute... Oh gosh I sound like a girl... Which I am -.- haha! What I mean to say is that this story brought out the silly giggly girl in me -.-

I don't have any good criticism... Maybe just make the beginning more exciting?
flyingpencil chapter 1 . 9/7/2011
An American who likes and is knowlegable about football? That deserves a comment! Haha, I watched the final, epic stuff, you capture the emotion well although: I was for the Dutch (usually I support Germany, or France if they've done a good season.. They uterly failed in 2010, it's shameful to even talk about it) and 2-0, aoutch!

Good fiction anyhow though, great characters and chemistry between them, it's the kind of story that perfectly could happen in real life (not to me, I do not know enough about football, I like rugby by nevermind) In all, I love your story, good job and continue!
WishBlade chapter 1 . 8/25/2011
Best football one-shot ever D
Single White Rose chapter 1 . 8/22/2011
gleeky-soccergirl710 chapter 1 . 9/3/2010
I love this. I just adore this so much! I can just go ranting on and on about how freaking awesome this is. David Villa is superb and thank you for letting Torres score! xD. I asked my mum to buy me a Spain jersey but she said to wait another two years. :(. Still love it though. VIVA ESPANA!
Raquel chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
As a HUGEE La Liga fan i TOTALLY
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