Reviews for The Great Seven
blitzer99 chapter 7 . 1/25/2013
Hi, love the story your doing, I've read all the other chapters but couldn't review because I'm too lazy (sorry), so I will review this last chapter and tell you right now that this story is wonderful in every possible ways and implor you to keep going.
All the Charecters personalitys are very well laid out so weave got the basic idea of what they are like but still leaves plenty of room for charecter development, they all seem to be falling into their keeper positions quiet well, kiri has already started acting more and more like a leader. Loved the reflection part, that was a very nice first lesson type thing that they all learned, and nice explanation of the fact that this simple technique could easily save ones life or be used as a deadly weapon.
I only have one question, will all of the keepers be able to turn into an animal like you said in the summery, or will only one beable to do it, I would personally like all of them to be able to do it, but this is your story and you can do it however you want :) again, love this story, please keep this up :D
I Would Rather Be Writing chapter 7 . 7/27/2011
Whenever someone takes the time to look at one of my stories, I always make sure to return the favor. And hey, lucky me, I've stumbled upon a real gem! This story is amazing. You're doing really well with all your description, and I have a good feel for all the characters' personalities. Can't wait for more! Update soon!
OliveYou chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
Dude, you shouldn't write as good so I can make my story seem better:) I like the descriptivness. yeah. And I really like Nikolas, tehe, he sounds cool. I like the Paragons, they sound awesome. And And I think that Jacen sounds interesting, almost mysterious.

So you should write some more! so I can find out what happens, you should put some fighting or something in it too!
StarScarlet76 chapter 6 . 2/23/2011
I actually love your story please update soon because i would love to see Arli training.
StarScarlet76 chapter 5 . 2/23/2011
Lol, a defective leaf.

Seriously though, this is really good you've shown each character to be individual and they reflect their position I love how they're intiated it made me laugh really hard.
StarScarlet76 chapter 4 . 2/23/2011
OMG! I actually love Aleric, he is now my favorite character and i love Casperus' symbol to, the idea of a red raven is intimidating but fascinating at the same time.
StarScarlet76 chapter 3 . 2/23/2011
This is going to be such a cool story. I love both Kiri and Zifarra (such a good name) and everything's been set up now for the rest of the story - we just have to find the other 6 Keepers.

Just so you know when Kiri says you can drop me off, you use the wrong off, you put of.
StarScarlet76 chapter 1 . 2/17/2011
You had me at 'It is time to pick our sucessors.' This is a good chapter and i'll read more when i have time. Please, write more i can tell i'm going to enjoy this story.
Silverarrows13 chapter 6 . 8/11/2010
Princess of Chocolate chapter 6 . 7/25/2010
Uh-oh. Distrust in the group and they haven't even started. Shame. It'll make for an interesting plot line. I like Gwenn though, you think Kiri should ease up on the attitude with her? It's not leader-like to do that.
Princess of Chocolate chapter 5 . 7/25/2010
I would imagine, that after so much preparation, there would be ten times more of a ceremony to make them Keepers. Something ominous, you know, like foreshadowing.
kendall chapter 4 . 7/22/2010
yay sophia! Excellent work on completing chapters 3 and 4!
Layla Light chapter 6 . 7/21/2010
ANother good chapter. Ah, the Ceremony mystery has been solved. For me, anyway. Hm magic gems... interesting. Well, this is just going to get more and more interesting anyway, yeah? _ Can't wait for the next!

Layla Light chapter 5 . 7/21/2010
I wasn't confused. Made lots of sense, don't worry. And, the size has definately improved. Hm, seems very mysterious that a booming voice told them they were Keepers and dropped gems on them, then that was it. Odd... but, it's your story. You know what you're doing, yeah? _ Great chapter, by the way. Can't wait to see what else you've got in store.

Skalla chapter 6 . 7/21/2010
I appreciate the extra-long chapter and the quick updating! The length of chapter 4 was great, try to keep that length or even longer.

I love Zee's character. Big, tough guy teddy bears are the best! Jacen as well - I'm a sucker for mutes. Arli and Jlanku are adorable. Um... who else... Nikolas was adorable in chapter 4. Gwenn is the Negotiator, I assume? I'd like to see her character expanded on a bit. Kiri is sounding more and more bossy and jealous. Wow, I've rambled. I love the new additions, and look forward to seeing their characters established more )
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