Reviews for Petrichor
Amaya chapter 18 . 7/24/2011
Jadeite? Engaged?

Noooooooooooo~! TT

i cant accept it~! Why her? Why not meee? Lols xD


but Im jealous .

i dont want to see the boys with other girls D:

oh wow, im being greedy again xD

but I feels like he betrayed Beryl. Unforgiveable *w*

go go Beryl! U must do the sweet revenge~!.9
Amaya chapter 17 . 7/22/2011
Something big for next chapter? O.O

now thats so cruel of u, nee-chan TT

cuz i know we hafta wait for a while bfore u post it _ gah~! Would u post it soon if i spam u with affection and love~? XD
Bookgeek4life chapter 16 . 5/10/2011
good chapter, this is really intersting seeing how she doesnt remember anything, i like how we figure out the characters when she does, it really does the first person POV really good
bridgettblah chapter 16 . 5/10/2011
:O Oh my...This was dramatic! Haha. Huryy and update!
Amaya chapter 15 . 5/6/2011
I Laughing Out Loud Beryl.. I wonder how was Jadeite's face when she said his name's weird~ kyahaha.. XD

nee~~ good job onee~san! ;D

though no Jasper this time.. TT

lol, kidding! when the next chapter is released? *beam*

we want soon~! kyahaha xD
bridgettblah chapter 15 . 5/2/2011
So...Im just guessing but what if Evan Seth? No? I dunno. I mean, I think Evan woulda been there. Unless, he wasnt in the band at the time, but Seth was? Gosh...What a mystery! Hehe. Cant wait for more!
bridgettblah chapter 14 . 3/20/2011
Oh my. Her momy xD I like her. Hehe. Wow, poor Beryl. Like, really? Someone just had to drug her, huh? Gr. Where are the boyys? I miss them, even though they were like, in the last chapter. I dont care, I miss them xD Hehe. So yea, cant wait for more!
Amaya chapter 13 . 1/29/2011

Good job onee-san ob as always nee~

my fave part was when Beryl and his father said these:

Beryl: "You're impossible!"

Her dad: "Just admit that I'm cool."

I mean LOLs~ xD

he's such an adorable daddy, isnt he?

act cool, but inside, she have this kind of daughter complex hihi

cant wait for his next appearance o.o

now I'm one of Beryl's dad fan too _
bridgettblah chapter 13 . 1/29/2011
Ah oh No Jadeit has to like her! He's awesome xD He so cute and he's the leader...So yea, he lies her, and she likes him. End of story.
bridgettblah chapter 12 . 12/28/2010
Aw, why is Ethan bad! I liked him! ARG I dont get it. Lol. After this, is it gonna go back to the regular story?
Amaya chapter 12 . 12/28/2010

from the first paragraph, I cant stop myself from smiling~!

thank you vo the new years gift ;3

That was hilarious! XD

and the characters are... just suit 'em all.

like the narcissistic Ethan, pretty guy Jadeite, silly knight Jasper, gentleman Aden, humbly Evan, and Tomboy Beryl.

I can even imagine they're acting in my head lol

*thumbs up*

I always thought ur good at comedy (romance) onee-san

did I like it? are you kidding?

Amaya chapter 11 . 11/28/2010
Lols. I didnt know if Jasper cant dance! XD

must be cute to see him dance..
bridgettblah chapter 11 . 11/26/2010
O Oh Daddie! Hehe, cant wait for the rest! Ugh, thats gonna be a while
bridgettblah chapter 10 . 11/21/2010
GAH! this is confusing! Haha! I love this!
AMZIEXXX chapter 10 . 11/20/2010

I've waited so long for this chapter! And then you go and end it on a cliffhanger. Evil person. LOL Jokes.

Can't wait for the next chapter.


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