Reviews for I bring the weather with me
Slightly Ajar chapter 1 . 9/5/2010
Wow, that is very sweet and beautiful. I'm on love with the line: "If I spend my last dollar on one last round with you, then life as a beggar will be well worth it." Absolutely in LOVE with it. Adding to my favorite quotes document... The quote “ad she just makes me feel so omfrotabled” is on there too, from our (well, on my part) drunken latenight facebook chat so long ago (ps, this is Emma if you haven't read my other review yet). :P

LOVED this one! :):):)
Noir Schist chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
The metaphors and the expressions are just amazing, and the amount of feelings and personality reflected as well are incredible. I'm glad I read it and I'm disappointed that this hasn't got more reviews.

Another instant fave.