Reviews for Dear Moron
KVARIANT chapter 5 . 8/13/2011
You are amazing, and I love you!


Honestly, you're brilliant, and I doubt that you'll ave a hard time publishing a book if you ever decide to!

Btw: I love their characters! Christian is so epically funny, and Jace is so cute and also quite funny, and he's fun to read about, and Mera is sooooo epic :D

Thanks so much for making this story! You rock! XD
KVARIANT chapter 4 . 8/13/2011
William is honestly a horrible flirt, isn't he? But I really enjoyed Mera's epic comebacks! And I can't believe people are able to talk about things like THAT without puking all over themselves O_O

And omg, Jace is being so cute to Mera! Aww! Gilbert the rabbit, and trident gum :) Best gifts ever!

Imma go ahead and read some more now _
KVARIANT chapter 3 . 8/13/2011
EPIC EPIC EPIC! You're one of the few authors who can make my heart jump right up in the sky! The way you write is so intriguing, and I'm so not stopping to read this story till I've gotten through to the end! XD
KVARIANT chapter 2 . 8/13/2011
Yes, yes, yes, I loved it! I just hope that Jace isn't going to change her into a smoker who gets breast/lung cancer or anything O_O But keep writing! I really enjoy it!
KVARIANT chapter 1 . 8/13/2011

Mera sounds like a very nice girl, I'm so happy that she gives him such a kind note! And I love how she signs it -Moron :)

You are amazing for thinking all this up! XD
RitaHouston chapter 15 . 8/13/2011
luv this cant wait fo more, im wondering wats gon happen wen he find out she has tha journal i hope he nt too mad at her
MysticDagger chapter 15 . 7/31/2011
aww i hope susy falls in love with periced tatto dude and oh update soon!
MysticDagger chapter 15 . 7/31/2011
aww i hope susy falls in love with periced tatto dude and oh update soon!
Clealyan chapter 15 . 6/4/2011

I really love your story! It took me a few hours to read the first fifteen chapters, but it was worth it :d

I love your title and summary,a bad boy having a journal is a nice way to start a story,I hope there will be more written conversations between Jace and Moron,I'm missing them already :d

But the whole Jace/Mera romance makes up for it of course...and Christian :p

I definitely need a guyfriend/boyfriend like him :d Does he get a girlfriend later on,now that would be interesting :p

I cracked up when he shouted "kiss!" to Susy and Hayden :p

Update soon !
Sisi chapter 15 . 6/1/2011
omg i love this story but im dying for the next chapter!
too lazy to log in chapter 15 . 5/23/2011
I hope susy gets with Jason...
Bob chapter 9 . 5/22/2011
I love NSN, and I also love this story. Just sayin'.
Don't Give Up chapter 15 . 5/21/2011
I love the story. It has such a good plot. I love how there are different points of view, cause then I get to see what other people are thinking. KEEP WRITING :)
love00hate chapter 15 . 5/18/2011
PLZ PLZ PLZ! update soon!
applemysteries chapter 5 . 5/14/2011
This chapter is just... you completely and utterly out did yourself. Fear, Romance, Angst, Suspense, Comedy you had it all. This chapter is freaking awesome! *squeals*

I am loving this story soo much. I am so glad someone talented like you is writing it. Wonderful Job, I can't wait to see (read) how the plot develops!
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