Reviews for That Letter
Gou Gou chapter 1 . 9/7/2010
1) I have no idea. I think it's Gabe, but I'm not sure.

2) I'm guessing Gabe is gay. But I'm not sure if I misread during the whole convo about how they fought .

3) ew. :D not really. because aren't band-aids supposed ta be to cover up your wounds where no one can see them so they can heal?

penguin mismatched. :(
Dr. Artume chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
1) Uhm wasn't it Beth who wanted to write the letter but didn't...? Or am I totally confusing myself xD

2) I do not see how it is shown in the story... lol

3) I think it's acceptable, but I don't I'm a very good judge of that... xD

I got a little confused at the beginning- Beth says she doesn't have a boyfriend, yet she makes it sound like Alex was her boyfriend... but part of the reason was just cause I didn't read carefully enough the first time and missed the line "I mean like friends deciding never to talk to each other again" xP

"I had an older sister, and she was just like his brother—brilliant, motivated, focused."
SoundlyUnspoken chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
Wow, that was beautifully written, and a great story (:
OnlyIntuition chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
I think you already know everything I'm going to say. :)