Reviews for Feelings & Emotions
Aria Senora chapter 11 . 3/15/2011
I can't believe this story has like 21 reveiews! It deserves so many more! Please update soon! [
Aria Senora chapter 12 . 3/15/2011
This story is *amazing*! Please update soon! [
sunnybunny17 chapter 12 . 10/15/2010
Yayay! A new chapter! You are like my hero; no one has updated in forever! This chapter was glamorous(: thanks a million for the update, and good luck with dealing with zeus(;

love always,

sunnybunny17 chapter 11 . 9/28/2010
Ohmygosh! I'm so sorry! Thank god your alive! Hahaha jk(;

thank you so much for updating, your the only one of my favorite stories that has updated in forever, so thankyou for being my life saver, haha(:

I love the chapter although the part where they make up felt kinda rushed. But other than that, it was great! As usual(;

the funny thing is I used the "all dogs go to heaven" line in my story too;D looks like I'm not the only one who uses it to tease(;

you're such a great writer(: thanks for the update, and keep writing!

I'll be waiting(;

love always,

sunnybunny17 chapter 10 . 9/11/2010
Well whatever you do, don't quit this story!

I loved the chapter, especially the part when he was dreaming of his mom(: so sweet! Keep writing!


JLeshay chapter 9 . 9/9/2010
I like this story its not intense but it still has a meaning 2 it
sunnybunny17 chapter 9 . 9/3/2010
Aww that is too sad;( but it was a really great chapter, I love how she feels guilty about it! You're a really good writer! There is one thing though: I think you shouldve dwelled more on his mom dying.

That is only if you don't have any plans to mention it in future chapters. Just a thought though...

Other than that I really enjoyed! PLEASE update soon:D


sunnybunny17 chapter 8 . 9/1/2010
Ohmygosh, you tottally made my day! Like NO ONE has updated in forever;(

anyway this was a great chapter, very intense and dramatic!:D

please update soon, don't leave me to wallow in my misery...

sunnybunny17 chapter 7 . 8/25/2010
I have to admit, I am very lovable(: haha:D

but anyway, my predictions are coming true, which makes me happy(I love being right)

and don't get discouraged by lack of reviews cuz there's just SO many romance stories, you know?

But anyway this story is really good, so update soon!


JLeshay chapter 7 . 8/23/2010
I wanted to read all of it before reviewing but overall the story is interesting. Honestly in the beginning I thought it was a cliche and didn't really know what was going on but I kept reading and it got better. Nice job
sunnybunny17 chapter 6 . 8/19/2010
Was I the reviewer? Was I? Was I? Well of course I was because this story is really good, and actually deserves reviews! I loved all of it, especially the fact that Alex is starting to feel guilty! Why do I have a strange feeling she's going to end up actually falling for him...? And that Kaylee is drifting away...? Just some thoughts(:

update very soon, I am waiting...(;
sunnybunny17 chapter 5 . 8/15/2010
That was really good, but harsh. I do believe in revenge, but not too much of it. Poor Josh:(

update soon!
journeyoflife chapter 4 . 8/13/2010
i don't know what to think.

i mean if you fall in love with someone you fall in love with them, even if it ends up hurting a friend, or something. but at the same time you shouldn't allow yourself to be able to fall in love with someone who hurt your best friend though admittedly Kaylee didn't know him enough to get that hurt.

but i think as long as kaylee at least falls in love truly with some other guy then her best friend falling in love with josh isn't as bad.

can't wait for the next chapter.
journeyoflife chapter 3 . 8/13/2010
Alex is being a really good friend, but but Josh is going to fall in love with her and she'll fall in love with him, and then well falling in love with someone who broke your best friends heart? that's just terrible.

i hope he gets his heart broken!

ajdflksdajflasdkjf chapter 4 . 8/12/2010
Oh my goodness, I know how it feels to realize a person actually has emotions too! Haha, just one question though. Alex seemed like she had this idea of seducing Josh the whole time, which makes me wonder if she actually likes him. It's either you're going too fast with that part in chapter three, or she's going to turn around and back-stab Kaylee. Hm...

Well, I'll be waiting for the next chapter!
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