Reviews for Summoned
Guest chapter 1 . 8/22/2023
Ngl this made Mr cum
Guest chapter 39 . 8/22/2023
I've been enraptured, start to finish. I applaud you.

This hasn't been easy to write about either rape and whatnot

U should be proud
Guest chapter 36 . 8/22/2023
I was wondering about that cat the relevance of it and my curiosity has been sated! Let's hope harley gaven Trish and their new friend cal and Louise can wrap this up and work together to stop slaiden once and for all!
Guest chapter 35 . 8/22/2023
Omg the cat !- is rhe mysterious demon punished for going against his deal mentioned before!
Guest chapter 35 . 8/22/2023
Your story reminds me of a childhood gone, cheering fir the goodies smacking the branch into slaidens face and hoping somehow against odds they gey away and that gavin survives...and booing the baddies when slaiden gets away
Guest chapter 34 . 8/22/2023
I rly like this cal guy I hope we can see more of him!
Guest chapter 34 . 8/22/2023
I didn't know whzt a white teash trucker Is lol, I assumed something to do with garbage disposal that's not a prhsse I've ever rly hears
Guest chapter 33 . 8/22/2023
Also maybe when the detective said slaiden had a long leash (sorry this is confusing) and did they know hiss summoner was gone for a few days? Did slaiden let that slip? Cos maybe harley could've worked it out if Jeff also mentioned he was going away but idk

Another delicious chapter I think slaiden let harley off easy or is just messing with her cos I was expecting anal tbh

Can't wait to see whats happened to gavin! I'll b amazed if slaiden let him live, that was a clever trap tho
Guest chapter 33 . 8/22/2023
I think I have a problem...I'm hooked on your story! Once I find a good book I rly get into it, and yours has held my interest a lot more than anything else I've read in a while
Guest chapter 28 . 8/22/2023
Ofc its force stupid Jeff
Guest chapter 20 . 8/18/2023
Tisha and gavon must be very close if she let's him root around her purse lol
Guest chapter 18 . 8/18/2023
Spoilers for next chap

Clever u knew that those men to set up the fight, luckily knowing harley would rush in haha
Guest chapter 18 . 8/18/2023
Wow I actually feel sick myself after what happened to poor harley she should rly tell the cops and her friends cos this can't go on...I think detective is suspicious anyway cos she popping up in the sane place as these murder...

Rly enjoying your story I like that the detective might feel for harley further complicating this I'm gonna read another chap rn cos I can't wait! Thanks for making this
Guest chapter 15 . 8/18/2023
I can tell u know a lot about martial art it very cool
Guest chapter 15 . 8/18/2023
I love a well written detective story and yours is very entertaining! I'm excited to see what happens to harley and sliden whats Jeff gonna do? Is she gonna figure 8t out?!
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