Reviews for Living the life of a cliché
Guest chapter 26 . 11/20/2013
This story is awesome and hilarious! I hope that one day you continue this story because if it is just to good to leave it behind.
Anony225 chapter 24 . 1/14/2012
Love this story! Don't get how anyone can hate on it.. this reminds me of what my house is like :L I have an older brother who is protective and he always has his friends over! one of them is over basically all the time and my mum just says he's her surrogate son! haha, update soonies please! :D
Gaaras Beloved chapter 19 . 6/28/2011
Why did max say he liked her if he tried to rape her? i also hate how guys can go around and have all the sex and crap they want but the second the girl does they are all like no your not allowed and crap. makes me angry!
Gaaras Beloved chapter 9 . 6/28/2011
shouldnt max be in jail for a few years because he attempted to rape her and hit her?
The Owlett Librarian chapter 26 . 6/19/2011
Ofcourse I'll re-read it (again). I hope your exams will go well. Mine went fantastic, And I passed with flying colours! Got myself a nice looking holyday untill september, so I'll be writing my ass off so that I can finaly post something relevant
Sodnekdnskhjb chapter 26 . 6/19/2011
Yay! You're back! Hope your exams go well! Good luck! And looking forward to the update! :)
xoxtina46xox chapter 24 . 6/17/2011
Mighta reviewed this chapter already but I just reread the story :) cant wait until you start writing again! It's a cute storyline and I am anxiously awaiting july :D
SejiADettswic chapter 25 . 5/8/2011
It's okay we totally understand, I mean it's not like you can just ditch your exams and write all the time (even though it would be great if you could) don't sweat it, but keep writing

Sodnekdnskhjb chapter 25 . 5/8/2011
I totally get it! Looking forward to the next chapter tho! Good luck on exams and grades! :)
The Owlett Librarian chapter 25 . 5/8/2011
And I am not suprised you're also prosponing this one too. t's the same here though, so i fully understand. Good luck with your exams, and I'll e waiting for the next chapter
LDS Dreamer chapter 25 . 5/8/2011
I understand! I had to put one of my stories on hold because I'm falling behind. So don't worry about it! Good luck with school!
Magazines chapter 25 . 5/8/2011
OMG, i love this story so much. Please promise me you will be contiune wirting it! I abousluy LOVE IT! chapter 24 . 4/19/2011
Her secret admirer is either Logan or Ace but I RESLLY REALLY REALLY want it to be Logan! Those two are so cute together! UPDATE!
Aphrodite's Antidote chapter 24 . 4/17/2011
Okay I like this story even though it has alot of cliches but hense the title correct? This story is surprisingly entertaining also. chapter 6 . 4/17/2011
I totally think Sunny and Logan should get together! Love the story! )
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