Reviews for Missing Pieces
forbidden forest chapter 31 . 7/23/2012
Your story was amazing! Yes, yes i know its not proper grammar to use three exclamation points, however you deserved it!
Latinoprincess chapter 11 . 7/23/2012
OMG! Yay! They're together now! More romance!
Latinoprincess chapter 8 . 7/23/2012
Please don't send your rabid cats after me! Meep! I am really interested in this story, but sadly I don't have any constructive criticism for you... It's really good though! :)
Karimar chapter 30 . 7/15/2012
Im sorry but tht was the worst way you cud end ah book.
it really isnt nice tht he jus ends their relationship; if ne thing it jus leaves a reader pissed awf.
potteresque chapter 30 . 7/8/2012
I think your story is great, however, I did think it seemed a bit off when Jesse broke up with Sam like that after what they've been through. Plus, he did it over a letter and it didn't really explain the whole story as to why he did it. I hope that will be explained/cleared up in the sequel. :)
potteresque chapter 31 . 7/8/2012
I think your story is great, however, I did think it seemed a bit off when
TheClosetWriter16 chapter 31 . 3/8/2012
Awww... Great few chapters although... GET THEM BACK TOGETHER!
RonieLove chapter 31 . 2/13/2012
I loved this. Cant wait for the sequel!
Navdeep chapter 31 . 2/12/2012

Ok so the epilogue has sad ending. Jesse moving out. But Sam moves out to.

And they both get into NYC!

I sooooo want to read the sequel :D
U MadeMyLifeComplete chapter 31 . 2/11/2012
At first i though Devon had written the note though i could be wrong i mean he really had gone or maybe Devon did something to him i dont know ill have to wait and see I can't wait for the squeal
Princess97 chapter 31 . 2/8/2012
The new prologue was much better even though I am extremely mad at Jesse still. But i guess, it's just an open door for the sequel... so why not?
Ginbrat chapter 31 . 2/8/2012
I loved this story I can not believe that Jesse broke up with her and now he might be going to the same school omg please update the sequel soon.
mylittleprincess chapter 31 . 2/8/2012
awesome!can't wait for the sequel.
I-am-happy chapter 31 . 2/8/2012
I love the new ending! So much better! Can't wait for more! Update me when you upload it?
theSilverstar chapter 30 . 2/8/2012
y make me hate jesse when i start loving him?

okay... mayb i dun hate him but juz disappointed by his act...

i think theres some minor mistake...

u wrote jesse had a maid in chap 25 when sam was called by jesse's father but later in chap27 u wrote they did not have maids during the cleaning...

if i misunderstand... i'm sorry...
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